wine-32bit installation: no wineserver

I have a fresh installation of 12.3 86_64 and installed wine-32bit via the software manager. It pulls in all the dependencies and exits automatically. When I try to run wine:

cccplex@flaptop:/tmp/PDFXVwer> wine PDFXVwer.exe 
wine: could not exec wineserver
cccplex@flaptop:/tmp/PDFXVwer> which wineserver
which: no wineserver in (/home/cccplex/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games)

Do I have to activate multilibrary? I can’t find anything about that. I tried a reinstall.


wineserver is in the “wine” package.
Please install that.

If it’s already there, please install it again. (right click on the package in Yast and select “Update Unconditionally”)

Ok, thanks. That made it install. Only problem is that the program I need crashes with multiarch wine. And that is what happens now. Isn’t there a way to install 32bit-wine-only on a x86_64 system?

On 2013-04-11, cccplex <> wrote:
> Ok, thanks. That made it install. Only problem is that the program I
> need crashes with multiarch wine. And that is what happens now. Isn’t
> there a way to install 32bit-wine-only on a x86_64 system?

You can install 32bit-wine-only on x86-64 but I don’t know how have both 32-bit and 64-bit wine running concurrently
under the same $HOME/.wine directory. Assuming you haven’t got any programs installed under wine that you need you can

sh-4.2$ rm -r ~/.wine
sh-4.2$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine wine control

… and that will allow you to install and run 32-bit Windows applications (including MS Office).

Yes there is:
uninstall wine-32bit and install the i586 package for wine… (in Yast Softwaremanagement, select the package “wine”, click on the “Versions” tab and select “1.5.23-1.1.1-i586” there. the version number could differ though)

Well, if you select to uninstall wine-32bit a conflict resolution dialog should appear anyway. All you have to do is select solution 1 (smth. similar to “change architecture of wine-1.5.23-1.1.1-x86_64 to wine-1.5.23-1.1.1-i586”).

Ah, great. That got it!I have tried this before on arch without succes and on debian a 32 bit version was provided hence my confusion.