wine version and update


Because of an bug I reported, I need to know which version of wine I’m using. Can you tell me how do I know ?
Also, I need to know (in case my wine version is not the new one) How can I update to the new version of wine.

Thanks so much for any feedback,



I found how to do both things.
Thanks anyway for reading.

by the way, does anybody try to run the kindle for pc in opensuse ? I have the last version of wine, and when I select a book, the application crashes.

Check these pages. They may help you out
WineHQ - Amazon Kindle for PC
ebooks - Kindle for PC via Wine - Ask Ubuntu

You can read non drm books in calibre too

Even running with root, the kindle crashes. :frowning:
I keep all steps in those webs, but no results !

thanks anyway for the sites.