Cannot not start ksmserver

Hi, I cannot login to KDE (or to be precice, I can’t start ksmserver). From GNOME, I get

[pascal@pascaLinux:~] $ksmserver 
QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.
QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.
kwin: unable to claim manager selection, another wm running? (try using --replace)
ksmserver(5515) KSMServer::wmProcessChange: Window manager "kwin" failed to launch 
^C[pascal@pascaLinux:~] $

I was trying to improve the fonts quality in KDE and stumbled upon and thought I might give it a try. After reboot I was not able start ksmserver.

Any ideas as to what may be wrong and how I can fix it will be appreciated.

I re-installed (updated unconditionally) KDE Base System and Desktop Environment. Nothing has changed. I still get “Could not start ksmserver. Check installation”.

Any ideas?

I was able to start KDE using a quick and dirty hack I found here. Luckily, I had saved my ~/.kde4/ directory so my settings were not lost.

Maybe it’s my idea, but I think the whole process left me with a clearer, more enjoyable experience.