How to make kiwi_hybridpersistent on liveUSB permanent?

I have an openSUSE 12.1 GNOME liveUSB but the usb device its on is 16GB.

I booted from the usb once and entered a boot parameter to make the remaining space on the usb a separate partition to save files and such with “kiwi_hybridpersistent=yes” and that worked fine.

It created a partition with the remaining space of the usb with the label “hybrid”.

BUT, once I boot from the usb and ‘forget’ to add the kiwi_hybridpersistent boot parameter the boot sequence removes my hybrid partition!

Is there a way to make this hybrid partition permanent either with fdisk or somehow adding the kiwi parameter to the boot permanently?

The LiveUSB-CD partition is always mounted ‘read-only’ if that matters…