Configuring iwatch output to syslog

Hello Everybody,

Currently i have iwatch configured to send its messages to syslog, unfortunately i do not know who performed what item from this output, it is as follows:

Feb 22 10:23:18 hostname iWatch[18873]: IN_CLOSE_WRITE /srv/www/staff/test6/tester/
Feb 22 10:23:18 hostname iWatch[18873]: * /srv/www/staff/test6/tester/ is closed
Feb 22 10:23:18 hostname iWatch[18873]: * Send email to root@localhost

Is there a way i can configure this log to show who the real user was? Regardless of which user accesses the server it currently shows “test6” for all events including ftp connections.

This is a school server so at any time during semesters there is a minimum of 40 ftp accounts.