Where is mozplugger on 12.1?

I’ve had to reinstall my system from scrath (OS 12.1 X86_64) and now firefox doesn’t open the pdfs embeded buth with okular but out of firefox. I like to view them embeded so i want to install mozplugger in order to configure the system this way but I can’t find mozplugger form opensuse 12.1. anyone knows where is it?

thank you and best regards

I’ve tried to use firefox with acrobat for a while, but I think is awful, so I’ve tried again

I’ve found mozplugger in the repo:

Index of /repositories/home:/jensemann126/openSUSE_12.1

I installed it but firefox was still using acrobat.
Then I edited /ect/mozpluggerrc and I changed

application/pdf:pdf:PDF file  
application/x-pdf:pdf:PDF file
text/pdf:pdf:PDF file  
text/x-pdf:pdf:PDF file
       repeat noisy swallow(kpdf) fill: kpdf "$file"
       repeat noisy swallow(Xpdf) fill: xpdf -g +9000+9000 "$file"
        repeat noisy swallow(okular) fill: okular "$file"
        repeat noisy swallow(epdfview) fill: epdfview "$file"
       repeat noisy fill exits: evince "$file"


application/pdf:pdf:PDF file  
application/x-pdf:pdf:PDF file
text/pdf:pdf:PDF file  
text/x-pdf:pdf:PDF file
#       ACROREAD()
#       repeat noisy swallow(kpdf) fill: kpdf "$file"
#       repeat noisy swallow(Xpdf) fill: xpdf -g +9000+9000 "$file"
        repeat noisy swallow(okular) fill: okular "$file"
#        repeat noisy swallow(epdfview) fill: epdfview "$file"
#       GV()
#       repeat noisy fill exits: evince "$file"

But still using acroread.

Then in firefox, Edit>Preferences>Manage Add-ons>Plugins I disabled the acrobat plugin.

Then I closed firefox, deleted ~/.mozilla/firefox/…pluginreg.dat and yes!! I’ve got it.


On 02/23/2012 01:06 AM, fperal wrote:
> I’ve got it.

happy you worked it out!
and, happy you told us how to do it…

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