Problem Skype

There is a problem, characteristic for many distribution Linux. Skype slows down, “вешает” the system.
Memory leak, or something another…
For example - Fedora:

In Mandriva - the same.

Tell please, whether there is this problem in OpenSUSE 12.1?
It seems, I saw something similar. :frowning:

Numerous discussions of this problem at forums. But the answer nobody knows, how it seems to me. Tell, what is it?

P.S. Skype beta MS

Check yourself.

On Mon, 26 Dec 2011 12:36:02 +0000, aleksejsmir wrote:

> There is a problem, characteristic for many distribution Linux. Skype
> slows down, “вешает” the system.
> Memory leak, or something another…
> For example - Fedora:
> [image:]
> In Mandriva - the same.
> Tell please, whether there is this problem in OpenSUSE 12.1?
> It seems, I saw something similar. :frowning:
> Numerous discussions of this problem at forums. But the answer nobody
> knows, how it seems to me. Tell, what is it?
> P.S. Skype beta MS

I don’t see any issues with Skype here on 12.1. That doesn’t mean others
may not see it, as was suggested, you might try it yourself and see if
you actually see the issue.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

Has tried, all is similar.
At the firings skype brakes system, loading of the processor of 100 %, behind that process is removed.

Look, discussion of this problem in fedora.
Unfortunately, in Russian.


Helps only kill 5416… >:(

Why don’t you post a bug report then? You’d better do that, since it could help others as well.

This is done for a very long time. A solution is not available.
Microsoft is silent.

:slight_smile: What do you expect? It’s the Linux team that should be aware of this. Microsoft doesn’t give a **** about Linux, unless money is involved.