Problems with GTK apps in Opensuse 12.1 KDE

I made a fresh install of Opensuse 12.1 KDE from the live cd. After that I installed wine and some other basic apps. So I have the basic installation from KDE live cd.
I have had a problem:
Windows in GTK apps, like Yast GTK GUI and Eye of gnome have a very ugly appearance like that of windows 95 and older gnome versions.
Of course if it were the only issue I could go on with this bad appearance but they have limited functionality too.
For example, if a window is not maximized, instead of adapting to the size of the window some buttons and items remain out of the window. That is changing window size doesn’t change the position of items.
Some texts inside the window are not readable. As in yast-gtk package manager the part of window that display the repos of a package is completely black. I cannot read the text there.
No matter how many times I try to change gtk themes on kde control center nor what I mess there the situation remains the same.
Can anyone help me with this?

In KDE you can enter Alt-F2 (or menu Run Command) and use the command: **kdesu qtconfig **and configure the items that you mention.

Thank You,

Sorry for my poor English.

Why don’t you use yast2-qt ? I think QtCurve and oxygen-gtk haven’t supported GTK3 yet, then the GTK3 apps …

Edit your /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
set gtk-theme-name = “oxygen-gtk”
let gtk2-base applications use oxygen-gtk theme
for gtk3-app:
You can try oxygen-gtk3 from Index of /repositories/home:/swyear
after install oxygen-gtk3 package
modify your /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
set gtk-theme-name = oxygen-gtk

seem OK for me

太感謝啦!可是這樣的話,切換到 GNOME 桌面環境,同樣也會變成 oxygen-gtk 主題吧?

for user settings
gtk-theme-name = “oxygen-gtk”
gtk-theme-name = oxygen-gtk

Sorry, but there’s no file or directory named gtkrc in /etc/gtk-2.0/ here nor file settings.ini in /etc/gtk-3.0/. I installed oxygen-gtk3 but it didnt’ appear in any configuration option neither in yast nor in kde control panel. In kde control center oxygen-gtk is already chosen as default theme for gtk apps but gtk apps don’t really use it or any other theme to draw their windows. Their remain the way I mentioned at the start of this thread.
And kdesu qtconfig allows me to control behavior of qt apps nor gtk apps.
Thanks for all your suggestions but does anyone has any further solution?

rpm -qf /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
rpm -qf /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
So you may need these 2 packages

for user setting files in home dir,
if not exist, you can creat one.

Installing these two last mentioned packages made things work.
I tried changing theme to oxygen-gtk but I have liked better the orange-black Adwaita and decided to keep it. It has a more sofisticated look. :wink:

I hope it’s not too late to bring back this subject but if anyone there can, please give some hint.
After some weeks with everything working right gtk apps started to have functionality problems again.
I mean that they are still with kde lokk but windows and buttons do not work right.
As happenned earlier some texts inside the window are not readable. As in yast-gtk package manager the part of window that display the repos of a package is completely black. I cannot read the text there. After I click any button or option inside a window mouse click no longer take any effect on other items on that same window, unless I minimize and maximize it.
I don’t if another software or update caused it. Or if it was coincidence.
It simply went back to this annoying state out of nothing.
Can you help me please?

if anything wrong with the package “oxygen-gtk3”,
Just remove it, and change your settings back,
system should be the same as before after reboot

I uninstalled oxygen-gtk-3 and set all themes to adwaita but the problem persists.
The appearance is ok, but the functionality terrible. I even opened a bug report and found similar bug reports about one application or another (but not exactly with all gtk apps as in my case).
But until now I had no improvement. :frowning: