Kfloppy does not work on external USB floppy

Kfloppy does not work on external USB floppy .I get the error "Internal error.Device not correctly defined."I have Suse linux 11.4. The external floppy works perfectly under Windows XP .Has anyone an idea how to repair it?

Kfloppy does not work on external USB floppy .I get the error "Internal error.Device not correctly defined."I have Suse linux 11.4. The external floppy works perfectly under Windows XP .Has anyone an idea how to repair it?

So, Kfloppy only works with the old style floppy interface and does not work with USB, at all. You need to …

Open YaST (Enter Root User Password) / Software / Software Management and search for ufiformat and install it. You might uninstall Kfloppy while you are there …

To format a floppy disk open up a terminal session, make sure the disk you want to format is in the floppy drive and make sure that the floppy disk is not mounted (use the eject button in the Device Notifier).

Use this command to determine the device name of your floppy disk:

sudo ufiformat --inquire --verbose
root's password:
list usb fdd devices
disk         generic     
**/dev/sdj **    /dev/sg11 

Mine came back as /dev/sdj. Now, the format command using a 1.44 floppy disk and create a file system on the disk:

sudo ufiformat -f 1440 /dev/sdj

sudo /sbin/mkdosfs -I /dev/sdj -n MYFLOPPY

I hope this helps with what you wanted to do.

Thank You,

Thanks.It works perfectly

Thanks.It works perfectly

You are welcome jcaser1948. Hey, I wrote a new bash script file just for you. Please check it out here:

S.U.F.F. - SuSE USB Floppy Formatter

Thank You,

I know this is a little old, but the problem is the same, just a newer version of the OS. I am using version 12.3 and have an external usb 1.44 drive.

ufiformat --inquire --verbose
list usb fdd devices
disk generic
ignoreing unattached fdd: host_id = 10

When I plug it in, the system see it as (Dolphin) as Removable Media.

Also, when I tried to install the OS with the disk plugged in, it would have huge pauses. It did identify it, but I had to pull it to speed things along. Hardware scan shows it as a: USB FDD 061M (/dev/sdf)

It will not let me mount it either it says: mount: /dev/sdf is not a valid block device

I doubt this is an Opensuse issue, but didn’t know where else to go.

I think that floppy disk support is not included in the openSUSE kernel configuration by default. You would need to compile your own kernel, finding the kernel config and enabling the module to be loaded. I have a kernel compiler and a util to look at loaded modules:

S.A.K.C. - SUSE Automated Kernel Compiler - Version 2.80 - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

S.K.I.M. - SuSE Kernel Installed Modules - A lsmod replacement- Creates Alphabetized Module Listing - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

Thank You,