Plasma settings get lost after reboot


I run OpenSuse 11.4 with KDE 4.7. When I change the positions of icons in the main plasma panel, or reshape folder view plasmoids on my desktop, these changes are lost when I start my computer the next time…

Any help with tracing this, not very serious, but kind of irritating behavior, is appreciated.

Test a new user
See if happens with that.

Does not seem to happen with a new user…

…so how do I debug my main user :shame:?

I’m not here 24/7, not quite.

You could start a new .kde4, but you’ll have to redo all your desktop setting and bring back config files you must have from the old folder

How do you feel about that. Do you know what I mean?

Here’s something to try. It is not guaranteed to work.

Logout of KDE. Hit Alt-F1 to get a command line terminal. Login at the command line (as yourself).

cd /var/tmp
look for “kdecache-user” there, but “user” will actually be your login name.
rm -rf kdecache-user

See whether that fixes the problem.

That kdecache-user directory is just a cache of some user settings used for quick startup. It will be recreated. I am not having your problem with 11.4, KDE 4.6, nor am I seeing it with 12.1 M5 KDE 4.7.1. However, back when I was running 11.3 and KDE 4.4.4 (if I remember), I occasionally had similar problems and removing that cache while not logged into KDE caused the problems to go away.

I’m not here 24/7, not quite.

It sure seems so sometimes ;). And I am glad it does.
I am sorry if my previous post was rude. This was definitely not my intention. I do appreciate your work here and I know it is not your job to do it.

You could start a new .kde4, but you’ll have to redo all your desktop setting and bring back config files you must have from the old folder

is it sufficient to rename the old one? (Will kde create a new one if it does not find one)?

How do you feel about that. Do you know what I mean?

I am afraid I do. Even though I must confess I have never done this before and I am not so sure if it would be worth it.
My .kde4 folder is 1.6GB in size. What does it contain next to some configuration files? Is there a subset I could try to replace, to begin with? And, (a bit off topic) what is the difference between the .kde and .kde4 folders? Would I have to change the former also?

Thank you for your efforts and for ignoring my unintended rudeness.

cd /var/tmp
rm -rf kdecache-user

definitely was worth a try, but the problem persists.

My .kde4 folder is 1.6GB in size. What does it contain next to some configuration files?

Ok, found that one one out for myself. It contains at least all my podcasts…not that nice, in terms of separating settings - applications -user data, but they (Amarok developers) probably have a reason for it, and maybe there is an option in Amarok to change this.

Rename from a console login Login/console.login.png

Then do

mv .kde4 .kde4-bak

All your stuff will be in the renamed folder .kde4-bak
Some of which you could move back, carefully.

Ok, thank you.
I still have some problems with kontact related to resetting my user, but they should be easily resolved.