Could not change language for windows domain user?

I am new in SUSE linux environment. Could some one please help me, how can I change Personal Settings language for window domain user? For local user and root user, I can change my language and from personal setting and it works fine for me. Please find my conf in the following-

->System-> Language->Primary Language = English
->Personal Settings->land/Region->Language = Deutsch

For domain user, I could not change this personal settings language, it is inactive :(. But for local user I can do that.


not sure i fully understand the question/problem…

is the “domain user” connecting to the SUSE system from a Windows
machine, using what protocol and client?

that is, is that viewer connecting to the linux desktop, or a command
line…and, in one of those is not getting the desired language?

is there a need for the system and user languages to be different?

oh, and also please tell us the version of openSUSE you are using, as
well as the desktop environment

[openSUSE 11.3 + KDE4.5.5 + Thunderbird3.1.8 via NNTP]
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Thanks for your reply.
-is the “domain user” connecting to the SUSE system from a Windows
machine, using what protocol and client?

  • No. I am using SUSE as my desktop and windows as a domain server (window 2000 server). I have configured it using SUSE window domain membership. When I login as domain user in SUSE desktop, I could not change language, But If I login as root or normal user then I can change the language for SUSE desktop.

When SUSE desktop was installed, the primary language was German and others was English. Now I want to use English for domain user in SUSE desktop.

cat /etc/SuSE-release
openSUSE 11.1 (i586)
VERSION = 11.1


On 05/03/2011 05:36 PM, mamuninfo wrote:
> When SUSE desktop was installed, the primary language was German and
> others was English. Now I want to use English for domain user in SUSE
> desktop.

i hope someone who understands this problem will step in and help you (i
have no interaction with any Windows products and really have next to no
idea what your problem is, and why you can’t just use YaST to change the
language used by any user logged into openSUSE)

well, you speak of three user root, normal and domain, and i do not know
why the normal users can’t use the windows domain…

by the way, two things:

first, your openSUSE 11.1 is no longer supported with security patches
and updates…there is, however, a new program which aims to extend its
useful life, see Project Evergreen:

second, you should not log into KDE, Gnome or other desktop GUI as root.

[openSUSE 11.3 + KDE4.5.5 + Thunderbird3.1.8 via NNTP]
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