An open letter to open letter writers

The open letter system is too fragmented. Each month a new open letter appears, and you don’t even have a indexing them. What’s even worse: these open letters are often incompatible between them.

Open letter readers don’t want to read a new open letter each month that is 90% the same than the previous one, 5% contradictory, 4.5% nonsense and only 0.5% new. This is a really inefficient way of sharing ideas, and has as result:

  • Readers that thinks that you should first solve the problem with your system before trying to fix others. You really loss authority.
  • Readers that get bored after the third line and stop reading.

So here is my suggestion: create a wiki, THE “What’s wrong with Linux open letter wiki”. This will result in a single, better wrote text.
Obviously you will not be able to agree in a single text, so forks will emerge. Either the fragmentation will be too big or there will be some base documents (libraries) that will change in incompatible ways and…

Nice idea, also a sticky thread would do that.

I was trying to make a joke :wink:

On 03/31/2011 10:36 PM, RedDwarf wrote:
> So here is my suggestion: create a wiki, THE “What’s wrong with Linux
> open letter wiki”.


it would really be nice if all of the FUD were in one place (it would
make it so much easier to ignore).

Tried LibreOffice? Do that and help at
[NNTP via openSUSE 11.3 + KDE4.5.5 + Thunderbird3.1.8]


But seriously, it is a good idea :slight_smile:

On 03/31/2011 11:06 PM, yasar11732 wrote:
> Nice idea, also a sticky thread would do that.

good idea, if the sticky were made invisible…

Tried LibreOffice? Do that and help at
[NNTP via openSUSE 11.3 + KDE4.5.5 + Thunderbird3.1.8]

Good joke. And if the letters don’t like it, they can go back to their closed letter writing. :slight_smile: Which would have the same effect as I ignore these letters anyway. :wink:

  • 1 Brilliant !

Great parable, RedDwarf!

I think it is better than
The Canterbury Distribution .
