YaST2 Wrong Digest

Just installed 11.4 x64. I tried to add a the community repositories but keep getting Wrong digest errors.

I’ve tried deleting the repos and keys and re adding but the error still comes up.

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?



Just for the moment forget the community repos.
Post result of this:

zypper lr -d

It’s worth trying this as su -

rpmdb --rebuilddb

If you need multimedia check this:
Multimedia in One Click

Hello caf4926,

zypper lr -d

| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type | URI | Service

1 | download.opensuse.org-non-oss | Main Repository (NON-OSS) | No | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.4/repo/non-oss |
2 | download.opensuse.org-oss | Main Repository (OSS) | No | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.4/repo/oss |
3 | download.opensuse.org-oss_1 | Main Repository (Sources) | No | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /source/distribution/11.4/repo/oss |
4 | download.opensuse.org-update | Main Update Repository | No | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /update/11.4 |

You need to modify repo 4 to Yes | Yes

Then do online update

Enabled No.4 and run update. Get error:

There was an error in the repository initialization.
‘download.opensuse.org-update’: |] Failed to cache repo (4).

  • ‘repo2solv.sh’ ‘-o’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/solv/download.opensuse.org-update/solv’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/raw/download.opensuse.org-update’

gzip: dd954ebe679bef554e2f780a51ec76ef70ef0067-primary.xml.gz: not in gzip format

gzip: a40005415fa4e59602804c41015854d328f60d18-susedata.xml.gz: not in gzip format

gzip: 4f871bf1521dfaf5565a58b8f2ae7bc13c134960-updateinfo.xml.gz: not in gzip format
repo_updateinfoxml: no element found at line 1:0

Are you able to access the internet OK
Can you see the directories here
Index of /distribution/11.4/repo/oss

Where in the world are you?

Yes internet access OK. Link loads in browser OK. I’m in Kent in the U.K.

Delete all the repos.

Add them back in a su - terminal with the following code: (use your mouse to copy and paste)

zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.4/repo/oss/ oss
zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.4/repo/non-oss/ nonoss
zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.4/ update
zypper ref

report back if you added the OK

Added OK but refresh has warning.

linux-62d9:/home/nfriend # zypper lr -d
No repositories defined. Use the ‘zypper addrepo’ command to add one or more repositories.
linux-62d9:/home/nfriend # zypper ar -f Index of /distribution/11.4/repo/oss oss
Adding repository ‘oss’ [done]
Repository ‘oss’ successfully added
Enabled: Yes
Autorefresh: Yes
URI: Index of /distribution/11.4/repo/oss

linux-62d9:/home/nfriend # zypper ar -f Index of /distribution/11.4/repo/non-oss nonoss
Adding repository ‘nonoss’ [done]
Repository ‘nonoss’ successfully added
Enabled: Yes
Autorefresh: Yes
URI: Index of /distribution/11.4/repo/non-oss

linux-62d9:/home/nfriend # zypper ar -f Index of /update/11.4 update
Adding repository ‘update’ [done]
Repository ‘update’ successfully added
Enabled: Yes
Autorefresh: Yes
URI: Index of /update/11.4

linux-62d9:/home/nfriend # zypper ref
Retrieving repository ‘nonoss’ metadata ]
Digest verification failed for packages.DU.gz. Expected b63331e2356ed5654f7b04dd48a190eb6b9c333e, found ba61de49a89fc78cbedc07d5a3cd7405dded573f. Continue? [yes/no] (no):

Ignore it Continue? [yes
And try to let it update

[b]zypper up

linux-62d9:/home/nfriend # zypper ref
Retrieving repository ‘nonoss’ metadata ]
Digest verification failed for packages.DU.gz. Expected b63331e2356ed5654f7b04dd48a190eb6b9c333e, found ba61de49a89fc78cbedc07d5a3cd7405dded573f. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘nonoss’ metadata |]
Digest verification failed for packages.en.gz. Expected 8b5e529ca20c21a5cf79505a09578be5fdbf0210, found 9be7b923c34f7a580cb746879562017636a4fe85. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘nonoss’ metadata /]
Digest verification failed for packages.gz. Expected 98be5cef77f3f85565a1a6269cecaa73714feee9, found 1cf4d4af3b08064f1a659743509e1f1c596f1801. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘nonoss’ metadata [done]
Building repository ‘nonoss’ cache [done]
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata -]
Digest verification failed for dvd-11.4-6.9.1.i586.pat.gz. Expected e0e1474efee6ede028ceb1171e36ec10404ee155, found e19aab76c61683729c759d55a825206c68d830e5. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata -]
Digest verification failed for dvd-11.4-6.9.1.x86_64.pat.gz. Expected d5e9de609bfc29140bdebc67de984fdfc4e1a9ff, found 7d2725ffa971306acd1e730d8a1542198108eb79. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata ]
Digest verification failed for ftp-11.4-6.9.1.i586.pat.gz. Expected 6b53c1288e65e09001c8020fecb8c33ac0082145, found 198b8662bd9f4ebb57d72e086871287659c02446. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata ]
Digest verification failed for ftp-11.4-6.9.1.x86_64.pat.gz. Expected ba8e5adbd61c1926fab2722b989538e234228a60, found bb0b2a541b66ac82863ca562f52dab6c86761064. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata |]
Digest verification failed for non_oss-11.4-6.9.1.i586.pat.gz. Expected bfb89c3f9ba015ddf44b3fbd2baaca0f58b4afa2, found d014dbf6f2d499b62fddaba9f6ab5704305e3eac. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata |]
Digest verification failed for non_oss-11.4-6.9.1.x86_64.pat.gz. Expected 90aa849fca761e34d7b171f87bda4f0dc3cf9b86, found 4cb76014a1ecba55691fbb6e4a63c35e226054b4. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata |]
Digest verification failed for packages.DU.gz. Expected 1b772b6a6d04fb2d70d2adb2adc9acd7f23a7f88, found b86b10cc7a8a27e81dab694a21c9bf4b7c1a0ebe. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata |]
Digest verification failed for packages.en.gz. Expected 04dcfcd92c8519e3d9c01b75737f5af2d6781167, found ab5bab1ba01f7fd61c81154742f4ef8ad690434b. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata /]
Digest verification failed for packages.gz. Expected 758462513ab24f3b2c01b2644c2408a8d6c07e19, found 49eece07aa3ba2faa5514a07166c6dfbf4452fba. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata -]
Digest verification failed for license.tar.gz. Expected 62f091c8fbe8beb7afa30cb8500df6d8d7e04f9d, found 8cf8114084e6857b3909654e591cd81f7b91a06b. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘oss’ metadata [done]
Building repository ‘oss’ cache [done]
Retrieving repository ‘update’ metadata ]
Digest verification failed for a40005415fa4e59602804c41015854d328f60d18-susedata.xml.gz. Expected a40005415fa4e59602804c41015854d328f60d18, found 905f173c20b7d18a5f1086abc814c98c7530eb70. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘update’ metadata ]
Digest verification failed for 4f871bf1521dfaf5565a58b8f2ae7bc13c134960-updateinfo.xml.gz. Expected 4f871bf1521dfaf5565a58b8f2ae7bc13c134960, found bf5c4d84d36b7922fbae7340f97c3f500c066548. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘update’ metadata ]
Digest verification failed for dd954ebe679bef554e2f780a51ec76ef70ef0067-primary.xml.gz. Expected dd954ebe679bef554e2f780a51ec76ef70ef0067, found 7b6fb951af4b69d22cb3da70bf6af1d2cbcfff46. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘update’ metadata |]y
Retrieving repository ‘update’ metadata |]
Digest verification failed for ca13c5ca81144a02c628db6cda017071089efcd3-deltainfo.xml.gz. Expected ca13c5ca81144a02c628db6cda017071089efcd3, found 808ab37086b9fb8bbc761d3891d9c44aabb2ca1b. Continue? [yes/no] (no): y
Retrieving repository ‘update’ metadata [done]
Building repository ‘update’ cache [done]
Error building the cache:
‘repo2solv.sh’ ‘-o’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/solv/update/solv’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/raw/update’

gzip: dd954ebe679bef554e2f780a51ec76ef70ef0067-primary.xml.gz: not in gzip format

gzip: a40005415fa4e59602804c41015854d328f60d18-susedata.xml.gz: not in gzip format

gzip: 4f871bf1521dfaf5565a58b8f2ae7bc13c134960-updateinfo.xml.gz: not in gzip format
repo_updateinfoxml: no element found at line 1:0

Skipping repository ‘update’ because of the above error.
Some of the repositories have not been refreshed because of an error.

Try removing all those repos
Try mirrors from here, I’ll assume you now how to move around in the tree to get the url’s
Index of /mirrors/download.opensuse.org

Some questions:

  1. Did your install media pass the media check?

  2. Do you have a normal ADSL connection, no funny business, like University campus?

I just checked the repos refresh on mine, and it’s all OK

You guessed it. Just tried adding repos from my home network and everything worked fine. I was connecting throught collage wireless, somthing must have been getting blocked.

Thanks for your help, I’ve learnt some new zypper commmands!

Happy to hear all is well now.

On 2011-03-21 17:06, nathanfriend08 wrote:
> linux-62d9:/home/nfriend # zypper ref
> Retrieving repository ‘nonoss’ metadata ]
> Digest verification failed for packages.DU.gz. Expected
> b63331e2356ed5654f7b04dd48a190eb6b9c333e, found

Suspect network problem. Corporate network, perhaps?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)