Cairo dock

I am having a problem installing Cairo dock when i search the repository it is not there. What am I doing wrong? Can I not attach files that are saved on my laptop to this forum??

Open a terminal and write that

# zypper addrepo -f <Url of repository>

Could you write the webpage of Cairo?

Have you any Idea where I would get the repository from?? Thanks!!!

One Idea is that Cairo-Dock - Desktop dock for openSUSE Linux | SUSE & openSUSE
Second idea is that

Third idea is that Cairo Dock: One click install in OpenSuse

I can not other ideas.
Your operating system is opensuse…

OK thanks would you have the repository for qbittorrent it wont let install that either!!

Do you mean Ktorrent?
Read this

No i prefer qbittorent but I found it on that page thanks a million that will come in handy.
Looks like Cairo my not be available on this version of suse yet!!


When I try install Cairo I get this message
[PK_TMP_DIR|dir:///var/tmp/TmpDir.I5HwoQ] Repository already exists.

float operating.sys.ver;
cout<< " Give me your version";
cin>>"My version is">>operating.sys.ver;
if (operating.sys.ver==11.3)
cout<<Cairo-Dock - Desktop dock for openSUSE Linux | SUSE & openSUSE <<endl<<Ειδοποίηση ανακατεύθυνσης]( <<endl<< Cairo Dock: One click install in OpenSuse ;
  if (operating.sys.ver==11.4)
cout << "You must wait fo"r<<operating.sys.ver;
cout << "wrong";

A quick C++ programm for you!!!;)rotfl!

So you must me patient.

float operating.sys.ver;
cout<< " Give me your version";
cin>>"My version is">>operating.sys.ver;
if (operating.sys.ver==11.3)
cout<<Cairo-Dock - Desktop dock for openSUSE Linux | SUSE & openSUSE <<endl<<Ειδοποίηση ανακατεύθυνσης <<endl<< Cairo Dock: One click install in OpenSuse ;
  if (operating.sys.ver==11.4)
cout << "You must wait for"<<operating.sys.ver;
cout << "wrong";

In C++ you can declare values everywhere. This value which is float is global because you can use it everywhere in programm and in other formulas. If this value was inside main(). You could use it only in main and not in other formulas. And if this value was inside if{ } you could only use it only in if{ only there }