Remmina Missing icons

Hello everyone, my problem is really minor but I’m curious to figure out what is making Remmina unable to detect its icons and artwork stored in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/apps directory. The funny part is that I have two different machines both are running openSUSE 11.3 Xfce i586, one machine is capable of showing the icons but the other is not! I installed the app from Index of /repositories/X11:/xfce:/nilda/openSUSE_11.3 repository.

Also, I noticed that whenever I try to add the xfce-remmina plugin to the panel, it throws an error message ‘Could not open “remmina-xfce-plugin” module’. I apologise for not being able to provide you with more technical information which may help to debug the problem. I would appreciate your help and support. Thanks

I managed to fix the problem by upgrading remmina using Index of /repositories/openSUSE:/Factory:/Contrib/openSUSE_11.3 repository. Remmina 0.8.3 is detecting the app icons and the xfce plugin is working properly :slight_smile: