Nautilus Trash is broken

openSUSE 11.3 with GNOME. Every time I try to open up the trash, it gives me an “operation not supported” error, and starting nautilus from the terminal doesn’t give me any output. I’ve tried removing the ~/.local/share/Trash and ~/.nautilus folders for both my main user and root and restarting nautilus, all to no avail.

Also, nothing in nautilus that starts with protocol:// works, like network or burn (or trash).

My only lead so far is that I messed up something in the glib runtime, since I’ve been working on a project that depends on a lot of GNOME and glib libraries, and have compiled a few from source. But since I can’t find any sort of log from nautilus, I have no idea what the cause actually is.

I downloaded Thunar, and it can open up the trash no problem, so it’s nautilus-specific.

If you create a new user, does the problem persist?

Yes, creating a new user doesn’t help.

I’m looking into testing out one of the 11.4 milestone releases anyway, so after that I doubt the problem will be relevant, at least for a while. But if someone else runs into this problem, I’d like to know what the cause is, and if there’s a way to fix it.

Never experienced it.
Cause = Possibly fiddling and or experimentation beyond the realms of the considered norm.

But that the new user has the same problem: Tells me you have a problem deeper than just some user settings.
It could be interesting to see your repo list:
zypper lr -d

The 11.4 install didn’t go very well, so I went back to a fresh 11.3. The trash worked again at first, but now again doesn’t. I’m almost certain I haven’t done enough experimentation to break it, but it broke again.

# | Alias                      | Name                  | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                             | Service

1 | | VideoLan Repository   | Yes     | No      |   99     | rpm-md |        |
2 |   | Packman Repository    | Yes     | No      |   99     | rpm-md | [Index of /pub/mirrors/packman/suse/11.3/](       |        

3 | repo-debug                 | openSUSE-11.3-Debug   | No      | No      |   99     | NONE   | [Index of /debug/distribution/11.3/repo/oss](  |        

4 | repo-non-oss               | openSUSE-11.3-Non-Oss | Yes     | No      |   99     | yast2  | [Index of /distribution/11.3/repo/non-oss](    |        

5 | repo-oss                   | openSUSE-11.3-Oss     | Yes     | No      |   99     | yast2  | [Index of /distribution/11.3/repo/oss](        |        

6 | repo-source                | openSUSE-11.3-Source  | Yes     | No      |   99     | yast2  | [Index of /source/distribution/11.3/repo/oss]( |        

7 | repo-update                | openSUSE-11.3-Update  | Yes     | No      |   99     | rpm-md | [Index of /update/11.3](                       |

My nautilus package version is 2.30.1-3.16. Could it be a bug introduced in an update?

You should change to this

# | Alias                      | Name                  | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                             | Service

2 |   | Packman Repository    | Yes     | Yes      |   99     | rpm-md | [Index of /pub/mirrors/packman/suse/11.3/](       |        

3 | repo-debug                 | openSUSE-11.3-Debug   | No      | No      |   99     | NONE   | [Index of /debug/distribution/11.3/repo/oss](  |        

4 | repo-non-oss               | openSUSE-11.3-Non-Oss | Yes     | No      |   99     | yast2  | [Index of /distribution/11.3/repo/non-oss](    |        

5 | repo-oss                   | openSUSE-11.3-Oss     | Yes     | No      |   99     | yast2  | [Index of /distribution/11.3/repo/oss](        |        

6 | repo-source                | openSUSE-11.3-Source  | Yes     | No      |   99     | yast2  | [Index of /source/distribution/11.3/repo/oss]( |        

7 | repo-update                | openSUSE-11.3-Update  | Yes     | Yes      |   99     | rpm-md | [Index of /update/11.3](                       |

Notice I removed VLC repo and changes the refresh on some
When you have done that run this as su -

zypper up

and then do this

I did a full update, and the problem still persists.

The annoying thing is that I can’t even find an error message. Starting nautilus from the terminal doesn’t display anything, and I can’t find any config or log files. =/

I found the problem. I compiled a newer version of glib from source into /usr/local, and removing it fixed it. It must have been a conflict between gvfs and the new glib.

On the plus side, I finally got around to updating my system. =)