How to change or disable compose key in OpenSuse 11.3


I have OpenSuse 11.3 with Gnome.

I noticed that the compose key is set to Shift + Right-Ctrl as default. How can I change this? In the system / keyboard settings / options / compose key position I can set another compose key, but then it works additionally. The Shift + Right-Ctrl checkbox is of course unchecked.

So how can I completely disable or change the compose key? And does this come from different compose key settings for XWindow and Gnome/GTK+?

Thank you for your answer.

Has someone at least a hint for me where or what to search? Up to now I found not the correct solution in internet.

Kind regards

I don’t know how to change the compose key under Gnome. But you can use the file I just posted in that other thread for XFCE. It is just one of many ways to do it.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Keyboard Layout
Comment=Set keyboard layout with setxkbmap
Exec=setxkbmap -option compose:rctrl

Copy/paste that code, edit the setxkbmap command line to change compose key, save as ~/.config/autostart/kblayout.desktop.

Thank you for your answer, but it does not work for me. With the setxkbmap command I can only set the compose key additionally, but not change or disable the default one set to Shift + Right-Ctrl.

That setxkbmap command (in red) was an example. To remove all options, including the compose key, you have to use -option with an empty argument (see man setxkbmap). So setxkbmap -option will do what you want. For example, to use the Right-Alt key instead of Right-Ctrl and no other key as compose key, you would use the following syntax:
setxkbmap -option -option compose:ralt

  • GUI interfaces (like in KDE for example) use setxkbmap.

Even then Shift + Right Ctrl stays to be the the compose key, but I found a solution:

In /etc/X11 is a file named Xmodmap which contains examples for changing keys. Copy this file as .Xmodmap into your $HOME directory or create an empty file with that name.
Add following line into that file:
keysym Control_R = Control_R
After next login Shift + Ctrl_R is not the compose key anymore. More info you can get with man xmodmap.
It is a per user solution but it is enough for me. Could not find how to change it for whole system.

Anyway, thanks for trying to help me.