Slow Forums

Has anyone else noticed the forums being slow the last couple of days?

Sometimes takes +30 seconds to open a thread here.

All other sites seem fine just here. :’(

No experiencing this here

Truly odd all other sites are fine But OpenSuse Forums are slow. OpenSuse main is ok too just the forums. I have recently been upgraded to FF 3.5 here ( still on 11.2) But I did not notice a problem here until at least a day or two after the upgrade.

It seems worse at different times.

As you single out FFox
What about other browsers then?

My FF is 3.6.9

Konqueror is fine but got a certificate error and can’t log in but the speed is fine. I guess I need to twiddle with FF.

First thing I would try is a new .mozilla

I deinstalled moonlight restarted… no good. but I log out then back in and now it seems better. Arrrrrrg

LOL Could not make it up…


I can now cause the problem at will. I normally enter the forms from the OpenSuse home page and normally login from the root forum page. But If I go somewhere else say look at a thread before login then login the site is very slow. If I logout then reenter the forums and login then all is good.

Can anyone else see this?

Also I was wrong above my new FF version is 3.6.8