VirtualBox: Error inserting vboxnetflt: Invalid module format

hi, wonder if anyone got this too.

i installed SLES 11 sp1 as guest on openSUSE 11.3 host, then change the adapter network from ‘NAT’ to ‘Bridged Adapter’, but when i hit start i got this error message:

Failed to open a session for the virtual machine sles.
Failed to open/create the internal network 'HostInterfaceNetworking-wlan0' (VERR_SUPDRV_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND).
Failed to attach the network LUN (VERR_SUPDRV_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND).
One of the kernel modules was not successfully loaded. Make sure that no kernel modules from an older version of VirtualBox exist. Then try to recompile and reload the kernel modules by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root (VERR_SUPDRV_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND).

but when run: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules, NOT. It has been packaged.

after some googling seems you need to load vboxnetflt module first.
but when i try to run: sudo /sbin/modprobe vboxnetflt
i (again) got error message:

FATAL: Error inserting vboxnetflt (/lib/modules/2.6.34-12-desktop/updates/vboxnetflt.ko): Invalid module format

virtualbox info:

Information for package virtualbox-ose:

Repository: @System
Name: virtualbox-ose
Version: 3.2.6-1.4
Arch: i586
Vendor: openSUSE
Installed: Yes
Status: up-to-date
Installed Size: 33.9 MiB
Summary: VirtualBox OSE is an Emulator
VirtualBox OSE is an extremely feature rich, high performance product
for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution
that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the
GNU Public License (GPL).

installed packages:

S | Name                             | Summary                                    | Type   
i | virtualbox-ose                   | VirtualBox OSE is an Emulator              | package
  | virtualbox-ose-guest-kmp-default | Guest kernel modules for VirtualBox        | package
i | virtualbox-ose-guest-kmp-desktop | Guest kernel modules for VirtualBox        | package
  | virtualbox-ose-guest-kmp-pae     | Guest kernel modules for VirtualBox        | package
i | virtualbox-ose-guest-tools       | VirtualBox guest tools                     | package
  | virtualbox-ose-host-kmp-default  | Host kernel module for VirtualBox          | package
i | virtualbox-ose-host-kmp-desktop  | Host kernel module for VirtualBox          | package
  | virtualbox-ose-host-kmp-pae      | Host kernel module for VirtualBox          | package
  | xorg-x11-driver-virtualbox-ose   | VirtualBox X11 drivers for mouse and video | package

any guidance are appreciated.
many thanks.

I can reproduce the problem and filed a bug report:

Greetings, I used to have the exact same troubles with my opensuse 11.3 host using Virtualbox OSE 3.2.6-1.4. When booting I always had messages of “vboxguest failed” and “vboxnetflt failed”. I was able to run my virtual machines with the “Nat” option in network settings, but when I decided to use the “bride”/“host only” option, my virtual machine didn’t boot.

I started to look in the web, and I found that you don’t have to install any guest additions or similar packages on you host, they are only for your guest. I reviewed my installed packages and found that I had the following guest additions packages:


I just removed them leaving only the following:


And now I can choose other network settings and I have complete connection with all my guests now. Also there are no more error messages when booting.

Hope it helps someone,
