When quit firefox, it keeps firefox-bin and firefox running!

When I quit firefox (closing the window) and I run “ps -C firefox” and “ps -C firefox-bin” both are shown as still running even a minute later! How do I get firefox to actually close?

It could be killall firefox.bin

On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 20:26:01 +0000, joerione wrote:

> It could be killall firefox.bin

I find I occasionally have to do that myself - never really looked into


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Moderator

Well I do that but I don’t want to, nor do I think I should. Anyone know why this is occurring and how to fix it? It’s every time.

On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 00:06:01 +0000, 6tr6tr wrote:

> joerione;2107545 Wrote:
>> It could be killall firefox.bin
> Well I do that but I don’t want to, nor do I think I should. Anyone know
> why this is occurring and how to fix it? It’s every time.

What version of openSUSE and Firefox?


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Moderator

Firefox can behave strangely if the other components it needs are not the matching version. Where did you get your Firefox from and when you updated, did you also get updates for things like mozilla-xulrunner, -nss, -nspr, etc?

opensuse 11.2

Firefox 3.5.7

And I downloaded firefox directly from mozilla.org (there were issues with the opensuse one).

Ah you’re probably running a mix of a new Firefox with older supporting components then.

6tr6tr wrote:
> And I downloaded firefox directly from mozilla.org (there were issues
> with the opensuse one).

and, now you have issues with the one direct from mozilla.org, so you
should ask them how to fix it…

or, revert to the openSUSE delivered Firefox and then post here your

if the issues can’t be fixed, instead of just dumping Firefox and
moving to another browser, PLEASE do the right thing a report the
bug…otherwise no one will fix it, ever!!

yes, the software is “free”, but by using it don’t you feel a
responsibility to “give back” to the community?


think about it, and join in giving, as well as taking… :wink:


The reason it’s not shutdown is the same as daemons not shutting down. It’s called a gracefull shutdown. The process receives a kill signal; clicking the X on the windows, and starts a sub-routine to properly kill the process. If the process is still “actively” doing something; like downloading or doing something with a file, then the process will stay active until it’s completed then continue to shutdown. Occasionally, you get a zombie or idle process. A waste of resources.

The commands to kill it; as mentioned previously, are kill and killall. Do a MAN KILL for more info; specifically kill -9. Personally, I think of kill and killall as “blue balling” the process. Would you be happy if you were blue balled?


Nice of you to assume. I did all of that a while back (there’s a long thread following the issues) and I added my situation to a bug that was already started for the issue on the opensuse version.

SO…now that I was done dealing with that (as of yet UNSOLVABLE) issue, I thought I’d tackle this current one instead. And while firefox may be the application giving the problem, I’ve (many times) reported an issue like this there and they’ve recommended I use these forums since they don’t have specific openSUSE knowledge and not all linux distros are the same. But, really thanks for the help.

Yes, but how do I diagnose this? I’m looking for something I can use on opensuse to log everything it does including errors to see what’s happening when I shut it down.

Also, I’m now using firefox 3.6 and getting the same issue.


I think I figured out where the issue’s coming from and it’s NOT firefox. If I start firefox from the command line, it shuts down perfectly, leaving no processes open.

However, if I instead start from the shortcut icon I put on the taskbar that points to it (created via this method: How add icon/link to an app in lower left taskbar? - openSUSE Forums ), THAT is when I get the issue with shutdown. So, does anyone know what might be causing this issue in the shortcut and how to fix it?

You’re probably starting a different firefox, maybe the old one? Look at the command it runs.

I looked at the command. It’s the same exact one. (The icon has the exact path and it’s the same as the one I put in)

On Fri, 22 Jan 2010 01:26:01 +0000, 6tr6tr wrote:

> Yes, but how do I diagnose this?

One way that comes to mind is to use strace - though you do need to know
something about how software works to use the logs created; but debugging
tools like strace and gdb can attach to a running process. strace will
trace the system calls, and you might be able to see where it’s looping.

But as I said, interpreting that output can be difficult if you don’t
know what you’re looking at.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Moderator

Ironically the Firefox icon is fox with a very large blue ball, there must be a reason for that!

mmm… subtle wrong messages in advertising…

On Fri, 22 Jan 2010 12:46:01 GMT, joostvanrooij <joostvanrooij@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:

>psybernetik;2108128 Wrote:
>> Personally, I think of kill and killall as “blue balling” the process.
>> Would you be happy if you were blue balled?
>Ironically the Firefox icon is fox with a very large blue ball, there
>must be a reason for that!

It is supposedly wrapped around planet earth.

When I quit firefox (closing the window) and I run “ps -C firefox” and “ps -C firefox-bin” both are shown as still running even a minute later! How do I get firefox to actually close?

Do you use add-ons, plugins? Have you tried running clean firefox or with safe mode on?