keeping track of threads

I hope that this is the right place to ask, but what do I need to configure in the User Control Panel to keep up with various threads?


Are you asking about “e-mail notifications” for thread replies and “subscribed threads”?

If so:
First: Quick Links \ User Control Panel \ Edit Options (middle-click for open in new tab works)

There look for the section:

Default Thread Subscription Mode
When you post a new thread, or reply to a topic, you can choose to automatically add that thread to your list of subscribed threads, with the option to receive email notification of new replies to that thread.
Default Thread Subscription Mode: <select type>

I use “daily”, you can use any of those, e.g. “instantly”.

Save the changes.

After this option is activated you should be “subscribed” to the new thread / responses.

For checking the threads: Quick Links \ Subcribed threads.


jgaupel wrote:
> I hope that this is the right place to ask, but what do I need to
> configure in the User Control Panel to keep up with various threads?

happy you got the answer you needed, but it was asked and answered in
a forum not designed for it (hey, not a major earth shaking problem)…

go here: where you can see all the forums
AND a short blurb about what each is intended to carry…

looking though there i’d say your question would have fit perfectly in

“Forum Usage Support & Information - Questions on using forum software
and/or requesting information about the forums”
