Strange Chromium Issue: Extremely long window

Hello! I am having a very strange issue with the Chromium browser ( from the Contrib repo. I am not sure whether this is an issue with Chromium, the openSUSE build of Chromium, or Kwin. So I decided to ask here first, but I would be willing to submit a bug report in the appropriate bug tracker if I new which one is causing the problem.

The issue is that on certain sites (e.g. and others) the browser window becomes extremely long - as long as the web page itself. The window is so long that it goes way below the bottom panel. I cannot use the scroll bar because it too is as long as the window. The only way to get to the bottom of the window is to use alt+left-click.

I know it is rather difficult to explain, so I recorded my desktop to demonstrate:

I just started noticing this issue. I do not think it was in a previous build of Chromium. Also, Chrome Beta does not have this issue.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

I get it crashing out, the page partly loads, I get a busy symbol, everything is frozen on that page, if I try and do anything it eventually comes up with a kill option.
_64 bit

My 32 bit laptop however is using google-chrome not chromium, and it works fine.

Hello all,

I am running opensuse 11.2 64 bit. I am using chromium from contrib repo. Everything worked great until yesterday I performed an upgrade to Chromium and flash-player (i586) from update repo.

After this upgrade the browser on certain pages performs “Long window” behavior if I can describe it correctly exactly like in your video.

I have noticed that if I uninstall flash-player the problem does not occur. I downgraded to flash-player but the problem is still there. So in my opinion there is some problem with chromium (x86_64) & flash-player.

Is anybody else experiencing the same problem?


This for sure isn’t Kwin problem, because the same happens under Gnome. It’s even worse when Chromium window is maximized. Looks like Chromium is trying to set window size to match screen size, but still, it is bigger, and eventually Chromium is despairing from screen (but working). If I switch view to full screen, then it’s ok. So maybe, it’s problem with Chromium window decorator.

I confirm the same issue under gnome. Exactly the same problem.

I opened a bug here:

to track it

Fix coming in 4.0.283

Yup, 100% true. Today i updated Chromium in Ubuntu 9.04 from 4.0.280 to 4.0.283, and all issues gone. I face the same issues of scroll, window hang, no more scroller, long windows, maximize/minimize.

So to inform all, this issue still exist in 4.0.277, 4.0.280. But is solved in 4.0.283.
I am not sure, when it will be in the repo OR maybe .280 will come 1st before .283, so we have to wait a bit. But strange is Ubuntu update repo is quite fast. Already reached to 4.0.283 today, but we still have to wait in openSUSE for a while to fix.
I face this issue in Ubuntu for these versions:

And fixed in this version today:

Yesterday updated to 4.0.276 in openSUSE, was thinking maybe the issue will be not in openSUSE, but it was there too.

Conclusion: Its not openSUSE,Kwin issue, its chromium.
Fix: Wait for 4.0.283.

Hey. Thanks, all! I haven’t been able to check the forums much during the holidays. But it is great to know that the fix is coming.

Thanks again!

The fix is already released, hope you updated it to latest build.

I have posted the information here to inform all:
Chromium 4.0.283 available in contrib repo - openSUSE Forums

FYI, I’ve removed the video from my Dropbox. So the link will not work anymore.

(Why can’t I edit posts?!)