PostgreSQL not interacting with Apps

My PostgreSQL is up and running but none of my Apps like eclipse netbeans or even pgAdmin can connect to it. Of course i configed the pg_h…config file to “trust”, “ident sameuser” and “md5 sameruser” for local all all but that doesn’t seem to work…

I get an Ident user not recognized error

I m using the openSuse 11.2

anyone know a work around?

Have you got an identd daemon running? netstat -atn | grep :113 should show something listening on port 113.

Dude… Thanks that was it . Not used to having to start that thing myself. A million thanks I really prefer Post to My

I assume you also made it start at boot.

I’m retarded too, how do you start an ident daemon?

Install the pidentd package and then start the ident service from YaST.