unable to mount

my computer has 2 drives , one has vista other has data both are ntfs partition
i am not able to mount the data drive ,i use suse11.1 kde4 live cd so can i mout the other drive and how???/

Go in to yast2-system-partioner if you can see the partition you can mount it there. Under the mounting options just type something like this /data(or whatever name you want)
When done open your file manager e.g dolphin, thunar etc . It will show under file system or root.

That will give you this sort of access: (drwxr-xr-x for root:users) which means that only the root user can both read and write to the drive. Normal users (like you) can read only. If you want to write to the drive, you need to change the mount options. Look under the button labelled “fstab options” in the Yast partitioner screen. It will show this:


If you want to write to the drive, edit that to read like this


FFI see this: HowTo Mount NTFS Filesystem Partition Read Write Access in openSUSE 10, 11

thnx for the great help:)