Gigabyte U7000 USB DTV

I’m still trying to get this usb tuner working on 11.1. When I plug it in nothing happens, nothing lights up. I assumed that it was just one of those things that don’t work with Linux. But last night I installed Mint 7 (KDE) on a spare hard drive to have a bit of a look at and decided to plug the tuner in. As soon as it was plugged in a green light lit up on it. So I plugged it into an antenna, started Kaffiene and it worked quite well.
I would love to get this working in OpenSuse. Has anyone had any success getting one of these working?

Nope. But my guess is, that like me with another DVB card you need the latest kernel drivers.
The place to be is:
If you need more assistance, let us know.

Thanks for that, I’ll have a look.
Is there any way that I can see what driver Mint is using?

I recently tried this product and INSTALLATION WAS OK. But when I started to search for programs I have found NO ONE. All the cables (and antenna) were well connected but never been able to find none PROGRAM. where is the problem?