Anyone having intermittent network problems with M5?

Seems like about a third of the time when I boot into Milestone 5, I have no network connection. After I do rcnetwork restart, network connects and works fine.

Is anyone else getting this?

Since it’s been more than a day since I posted this, I’ll take that as meaning no one else is having this problem.

No, didn’t have the same problem as you. On first install M5 didn’t play nice with wireless (using KDE4 NM). Using Gnome’s nm-applet was a workaround. Now KDE’s is fixed (according to the bug report). You can update either using the Factory repos or waiting until tomorrow for Milestone 6.

Didn’t have net problems in M5. As of today Factory upgraded me to M6 and so far I haven’t noticed any problems.

dwightpaige79 wrote:

> Didn’t have net problems in M5. As of today Factory upgraded me to M6
> and so far I haven’t noticed any problems.

My upgrade to M6 caused my system to freeze. Don’t know whether it happened
during or at the end of the update. So far, all attempts at further updates
to the system have failed.

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
“I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.”