Mozilla Firefox Corrupted & Failed to Download Update


i have 2 problem here hope anybody will help me to settle down. For your information, i am using opensuse 11.1. Firstly, I cannot open my mozilla firefox anymore. Secondly, i have problem where i can’t successfully download updates(opensuse updates)and i have receive message that tell something like “operation aborted by user”.Also they ask me to report the error. I not sure about reporting. So I come here first if there anybody can tell me why this happen and what should i do.


Re-boot your machine.

First re-name your hidden user folder .mozilla to .mozilla_old
Now try FF
Does it work?

What about Yast is it working: Software Management?
Filter by Repository and select Updates from the list, those showing Blue text are Updates.

i’m sorry for late reply…
tq caf for ur post…
could you tell how to reach the hidden foder .mozila?


In file browser, view hidden files
under your /home/username look for .mozilla


Is it just the autoupdater that doesn’t work, or do you also have trouble with YaST and zypper?

If you haven’t already done so, try:

sudo zypper up

If you were mid firefox update, that might be the cause of the firefox problem.

If not, to rename .mozilla to .mozilla_old you could type:

mv .mozilla .mozilla_old

and to check what hidden files/folders you have type:

ls -a

Good luck,


thank you very much to you caf4926, i can see the folder now and also thank you to barry for the useful code.

Both of my problem has been solved now with your guidance.