Strange icons in kicker


I’ve got strange orphan icons in kicker. I can delete them but every time I reboot the system, the icons reappear. Can someone tell me how to delete them permanently?
I’d like to insert a screenshot of my desktop so that you can see what I am talking about, but I haven’t found a way to do so.:\

Your S.


from a terminal try this

kquitapp plasma && rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma* && plasma &

ksnapshot should be in the menu for screen shots (PrtSc) is the shortcut key

Thanks for your answer, but I am afraid to say that you command did not work at all.
After that command kicker disappeared completely. I could restart plasma with an empty kicker, I reorganized the icons that I need. I restarted the system and now instead of 2 orphan icons I got 5 of them. My analog clock-plasmoid appears twice, but none of them work…
How is that configfile called that I need to edit, to get this mess working again. Any ideas?

Yours S.

Edit: I know how to make a snapshot :wink: I want to show it here in the forum.

The problem you have has been experienced by many recently with 4.2

My solution personally was to rename .kde4 - The command I gave you was less aggressive approach than starting with a new .kde4

You might want to consider a new .kde4 folder
Logout to a CLI (Ctrl-Alt-F1) and do:

mv /home/username*/.kde4 .kde4old

N.B.*username must be replaced with your username

Some old settings could be brought in ie; mail, IM,


new one will be created wich will have settings from your current desktop and everything will work just fine,

the problem occurs because of some differences in that file and plasmarc file which I won’t explain now

enjoy :wink:

If above solution does not work for you. Please share the screen shoot.

Thx for your support!

Deleting the .kde4 folder solved that issue.
(I made a backup, so I was able to recover the settings of kde4 apps)

Cheers S.