audio to text conversion


Is there an application that can convert *.mp3 into txt files (or other searchable text format).

Throughout the day I listen to tons of audio news / ebooks / other podcasts … and there are times when I know that I heard something over the past week, but it would be impossible to find without either taking notes all day or re-listening to all of the shows.

any ideas?
Even if the application captures 25% accuracy it is likely to help me in my quest.


check out this

Sphinx-II User Guide

it looks like an SDK, but there may be software listed on their site

Yes. It is called Festival and it is in the default repositories. Search for it in Software Management.


Check this out!

It is fantastic, quick, and highly accurate. Not only 25% accurate but a whooping 99%.

I’ve been using it to convert speech, audio, voice, etc. to texts for my transcription projects.

Speech To Text - Audio transcription service

Turnaround speed is fast and the process to upload files is very simple.

Hope this helps with your quest :wink: