kde 4.2: Can't select text or move windows

I’ve installed 11.1 and the first thing I did was upgrade to 4.2 using the procedure described here:

Howto install KDE 4.2 on openSUSE « The Blog is Hot

Now I’ve got two problems:

  1. I can’t select text with clicking and dragging. If I try to do this in Firefox, for example, the window just scrolls down without selecting something.

  2. I cannot move windows. I can close and minimalize them, but not move them.

It could be a xorg.conf problem, but visual inspection of the file did not show any strange things, though mind you, I’m not a X expert.

The system in question is a Lenovo Thinkpad T61p with a NVidia FX 570M card, which uses driverpackage nvidia-gfxG02-kmp-default version 180.22.

So I am using the newest nvidia drivers, but maybe not the right package (in the description of G01 it says it’s the driver for FX cards…)

Anyone had something similar or has any inspiration?

Ok, somehow it seems to be working again. I switched to G01. Blank screen. Switched back to G02 (although in another topic, they also make use of G01) and now it seems to be working :expressionless:

However, G01-kmp-default is kept. Weird stuff. I suspect that I should not have added the nvidia repo at the beginning of the installation.