Need help disabling "shattering glass" windows special fx

A few months ago, I installed OpenSuSe 11.0 on my laptop. Works great, but somehow I managed to turn on some really annoying desktop / windows special effects that makes every window that I open / close / iconify look as though it is is a pane of glass shattering. It was amusing for about a day, but I don’t remember how I turned it on and can’t seem to find out how to disable it (even though I googled for it and searched this forum).

I tried to disable this special effect via both Applications->Utilities->Desktop->CompizConfig Settings Manager and “Desktop Effects” and “Configuration Settings” and Yast2, but can’t seem to find out how to turn this “feature” off.

Please help before I have to resort to re-installing the OS. I’m even willing to edit config files, if required.

Thanks in advance,
-kevin wall

Guess I should have said this was only if the session was using KDE4. Not a
problem if I use Gnome.


Config Desktop - Desktop - Desktop Effects - All Effects

Uncheck the exploding windows and apply

Tried that. Discovered it shortly after I posted it.
Unfortunately that did NOT work, even after a reboot.

What did work, is I executed:

“cd; rm -fr .gconf .gconfd .gnome2 .gnome2_private”

and re-logged in using Gnome. Should have responded sooner; sorry.