Network Traffic Management Tools

Yeah. There’s a lot of traffic running through all the wires and through the air at my place. lol!
Lately I’ve been looking for a good tool for monitoring ALL my traffic on one machine. Means if I have traffic running through my virtual machine (Windows), that traffic shoul be counted as well.
The tool should measure up- as well as download and be able to give a warning when reaching a certain traffic limit.

Tell me which tools are “best”. A neat graphical interface wouldn’t hurt as well.

Surprise me!

Not sure it meets all those requirements but


In packman - well it used to be.
You then need to configure it from control centre, config desktop, - whatever depends if you are kde3 kde4 or gnome

I mostly use iptraf and iftop. When you want a nice gui try bandwidthd. Ksysguard shows a plot of upstream an downstream as well. Unfortunately, none of the tools mentioned can send a warning, I think.

Um… that’s not good. I really need a great tool with warning ability. I’m still trying a few products. If someone else comes up with a good solution - always welcome to hear. :wink:

Others might get interested too. Please don’t hesitate to post. ^^

Um… I feel like I need to push this. I am still looking forward for a great hint on a piece of software that spits out a warning when reaching a certain limit.
Does any of the above have a warning feature?


Guys, I am sad to need to force this topic again.
I am looking for the following (but can’t find it anywhere):

A network traffic monitor that…
-spits out a warning when reaching a certain traffic limit
-is able to monitor up- as well as downloads
-has a good GUI
-saves stats automatically and…
-summs up weekly, monthly and yearly totals.
-it should be easy to configure and be compatible with the KDE environment

Please take a look at NETMETER, an awesome tool for windows users to see what I am talking about here. -------


I think there is no program like NetLimiter - it’s such a great tool. This is Linux. Sometimes you need to hack if you want eXtraz. :nerd:
I wrote a blog post about net-limiting a long time ago:
News from Planet OS-88: Traffic Limit on Linux.

ram88: Raised your reputation. Thanks for that post.:wink:


UPDATE: The program really looks awesome and seems to be just like what I need. FOR LINUX. cry

I think, I’ll keep writing more HOW-TOs. :slight_smile:

ps.:I’ve stared to write an interface for it in Java. :wink:

Err… not to be misunderstood: I’d need that program for LINUX. ^^


Okay. I’ve just mentioned that I’m writing an interface for it in Java (for Linux of course - wondershaper isn’t available on any other platforms).

Sounds awesome. :wink:
Please let me know if a beta version is available - I’d be glad to test some things for you.
