KDE 4.1 how to change/update mime type icons

in KDE 4.1, How can change or add an icon for mime type that is just showing the white question mark icon?

In KDE 3.5 I was able to do this through the file properties.



No one knows how/if this can be done?

When you choose properties you will see a small icon that looks like a spanner.
You click this to make changes. Might not be implemented in 4.1 i’m using 4.2 beta


Yeah, its not in 4.1, that’s where it was in KDE 3.5. I tried the kde4.2 beta live cd last night and the option still wasn’t there.

How did you upgrade to the 4.2 Beta?

geoffro, you still can’t update the mime type icon in KDE 4.2, nothing has changed since 4.1. All you can do is update the icon for the app itself. Not the mime type.

Does anyone know how to get this done?

OK seems i was wrong can’t change the icon for mime types only for apps.
As for uppgrading to 4.3 beta. I added the unstable repos here
Then do an update with Yast or zypper


Worked it out… select the mime type .
I tested with a PDF. Choose properties then spanner icon click the default program in my case adobe reader then edit.
Now you can change the icon


I tried going through the file properties and it did not
give the desired results for KDE 4.1.

Would installing the gnome file type tool work?