Default directory change

In 11.1 the default directory for dolphin and xterm is /home/username/Documents. How do I change this to be just /home/username?

The dolphin Settings->Configure Dolphin->Home Folder setting appears to have no effect, but since xterm is always giving the Documents directory, I think the setting is external to dolphin.

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If nothing else you could put a command to change directories in
~/.bashrc (/home/yourusername/.bashrc). To just go to your home
directory you can stick with just ‘cd’.

I haven’t seen this myself but maybe something you’ve installed changes
the directory in one of the login scripts like .bashrc for you.

Good luck.

mattm3a wrote:
> In 11.1 the default directory for dolphin and xterm is
> /home/username/Documents. How do I change this to be just
> /home/username?
> The dolphin Settings->Configure Dolphin->Home Folder setting appears to
> have no effect, but since xterm is always giving the Documents
> directory, I think the setting is external to dolphin.
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I’m finding this quite irritating. It is done for all user accounts.

Ok I have found a solution.

[Bug 166088] Unable to change home directory in dolphin](

I needed a reboot before the setting would work.

this is actually really simple. just go to system settings > about me and change document path

I found also an irritating behaviour of xterm on opensuse 11.1 and 11.2. If I start xterm from the start menu, I end up in $HOME/Dokumente (german installation). The only thing I found was in system settings-> personal … that the place to put documents is this folder. That seems to me ok. But why does xterm care for where I place my documents. This should be independent of each other. Does anyone know how to change this behavior?
Best regards,

I just got at least a working solution:
change the default directory in the personal settings to be the home-directory (Systemeinstellungen -> Persönliche Einstellungen -> Pfade ; in english probably system settings -> personal settings -> paths).
Don’t agree to move the contents of the folder if you don’t want to find everything within Dokumente (or documents) in your new start folder for the xterm.
Nevertheless, I don’t know what xterm should have to do with the location of documents. This should be changed!

Weird. Tested and confirmed. Normally I use yakuake or konsole. They don’t have this behaviour.

I get $HOME/Documents with:
xterm urxvt mlterm Terminal vte sakura

yakuake konsole enterminus termit


If you start xterm from konsole or yakuake, it will start with the same directory. For example, if you are in a directory /home/usename/xxx in konsole and you run xterm from there, xterm will have /home/usename/xxx as its directory.

Sorry, in a reinstallation of openSUSE-11.2 I ran into the same problem and found that I mistyped the sequence to change the settings. In German look for “Persönliche Informationen” and change “Pfad für Dokumente” (Consider the consequences of moving the contents of the folder when you answer the question in the following popup-window!!).
Personally, I am very much annoyed by such changes of very basic behaviors like the settings of the default folder when starting an xterm from the kde-menu or from an application button (NOT out of an other xterm where you already selected your working directory by a cd-command). The opensource developers should more consider the practical consequences of such changes.