I broke VirtualBox :(

Everytime I launched VirtualBox it kept telling me there was a newer version available so today I decided to take the plunge. To make a long story short I upgraded to 2.0.4 but if I try to open VirtualBox (Applications>System>Emulator>VirtualBox OSE) nothing happens.

I opened up a command line and issued the “whereis virtualbox” which showed the following:

steve@linux-or59:/usr/lib/virtualbox> whereis virtualbox
virtualbox: /usr/lib/virtualbox /usr/share/virtualbox

I CD’d over to /usr/lib/virtualbox and tried to start it from there but got the following error:

steve@linux-or59:/usr/lib/virtualbox> VirtualBox
/usr/bin/VirtualBox: line 1: /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox: Permission denied

If I SU to root I can run VirtualBox so I’m thinking I just need to change permissions somewhere?

Any help would be appreciated :wink:

chmod 755 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox

Well I ran that command and now I’m getting this error


I also made sure I was a member of the VboxUsers group. :frowning:

I reinstalled virtualbox-ose (2.0.4) from Webpin

and all is well. Thanks for the 1 response microchip8

Somehow I ran into the same problem, but I managed to fix the file permissions. After the following command it started again:

sudo chmod o+x /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox

in this way it preserves the set-user-on-execution bit. I have no clue what made it change, there was no update as far as I know.


I had today the same problem.

The reason:
If SuSEconfig runs it resets the permissions of the files defined in /etc/permissions*.

The solution:
Open the file > /etc/permissions.easy < with vi, goto the end and change the lines of VirtualBox from permission 4750 to 4755.
Save, Quit.
Now run SuSEconfig and VirtualBox is working.

You could also change the permissions of the file by hand but then you have to do it every time you made some changes with yast…

Are you sure it has nothing to do with the kernel module? When I reinstall virtualbox or update to a newer version, it won’t load either. But it tells me to do this:

/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

After executing this command as a root, virtualbox will load again.

But then I’m using the non ose version, because of the USB-support, that I downloaded from Downloads - VirtualBox. Perhaps you are using the open source edition?

Other tips might be found at http://en.opensuse.org/VirtualBox_Installation#Post-Installation.
Or did you already check this website?

Good luck!