Microsoft VPN?

I am trying to set up a microsoft VPN through Suse11 using Gnome. Does anyone know how to do this? Should I use network-manager-pptp, if so, where do I find it for Suse 11?

you should go to yast > network devices>dsl
in ppp mode you need to set ppp tunnel protocol(something like that cause i have russion language now)
after that make some settings (you should know them) in gui

after that i have some trouble with encryption on 10.2 and 10.3 and i did not test this on 11.0
so what i did?

sudo gedit /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-dslX
(in my situation it was ifcfg-dsl0)
and change line with pppd_options like this
PPPD_OPTIONS=file ‘/etc/ppp/options.pptp’
you can check this file for options you need
PPPD_OPTIONS=‘require-mppe-128’#if you have mppe-128 encryption

YES!!! Thank you, I finally got a decent answer(or any for that matter) on this forum. Thank you very much!!