Access files of OpenSUSE11 from Windows XP

I have installed openSUSE11.Also Ihave Windows Xp.I can access any files of xp from openSUSE.But I want to access openSUSE’S files from xp.Is it possible.Please suggest me any way for this.

Take a look at these pages:

  1. Explore2fs Free app, it’s an explorer kind of interface that allows you to browse and copy data from linux partitions.
  2. I like Total Commander, with the Ext2+ Reiserplugin.
  3. There was a driver from Paragon GMBH that allowed linux partitions to be loaded by windows just like eny other file system, this is a comercial app but there was a free version with read only attributs for ext2 and ext3 file systems.
  4. Manny manny more just google for it