Cant Find VI in openSUSE

I installed openSUSE with KDE 4.1 that came with a Linux For You mag. The Look & Feel stuck my senses with awe. But, I couldn’t find vi editor in it. So, I installed vim. But, when I invoked vim filename, it says “cannot find vi”. How do I sort this problem?


prajeeth wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed openSUSE with KDE 4.1 that came with a Linux For You mag.
> The Look & Feel stuck my senses with awe. But, I couldn’t find vi editor
> in it. So, I installed vim. But, when I invoked vim filename, it says
> “cannot find vi”. How do I sort this problem?

vi has always been installed by default in SUSE afaik, so if you can’t
find it you either made some really off beat package choices or you’re
looking in the wrong places (or the mag screwed up…).

Try ‘rpm -q vim; which vi’
$rpm -q vim

$which vi

If you compiled vim yourself it has probably been installed in
/usr/local/bin. Check if this in your PATH.