Automount in KDE4: change default codepage to utf8

I have openSUSE 11 with KDE4
When I plug-in USB flash drive (4GB, FAT32) it’s being automounted by Dolphin. But the default codepage is not UTF8, so unicode files are all like ??? (all are question marks).

I tried to add the device to fstab with iocharset=utf8 through the Yast->Partitioner, but now automount no longer works :frowning: So I removed the entry from fstab

What do I need to configure so all my USB flash drives had iocharset=utf8 by default?

Thank you!

There’s a patch for kde.
See #161588 of kde bug tracker.

Assuming the files came from Windows, the easiest way to avoid this problem is not to save in Unicode in Windows. Some Windows programs do allow saving in utf8. Alternatively use older formats.

As far as I know few, if any, Linux programs are able to read Windows Unicode files.

Yeah, that’s the root cost
Thank you!