What is my linux login?

I’m installing on an older Pentium IV using the Opensuse live CD. I’ve tried the different install option, normal install, failsafe install, VESA graphics, text mode, etc. but each time I’m asked for a linux login just after the message “Welcome to openSUSE11.0 (i586 - kernal (tty1)”
What do I need to do? Thanks

Where exactly are you receiving this message: during or after installation?


Yep, even a doctor can’t diagnose without asking your life history:)
Don’t take my comment seriously. I am just kidding but it is 99% true
Please tell the whole scenario so maybe an expert in the forum can guide you.

Thanks for responding. It seems like everything is going well a lot of stuff loads then there is a text welcome message as I mentioned in my first post. I’ve tried putting in a new login and password and tried just pressing enter but nothing works. I’ve searched the forum and it doesn’t seem like anyone else is having this problem. Thanks.


Let´s summarize.

You say you have installed the system from a Live CD, and,
after the installation process is complete you are prompted to type your user credentials in order to gain access to the system.
Is that correct?

If it is, that means that you have had to meet the installation step 4, where you must have created a regular account for normal use of the system.
That means that your user credentials are those you typed there.
Thus, you have to use the login username and password you typed in step 4.

Find details about the complete step by step procedure to install from Live CD/DVD here:

Installation/11.0 Live CD - openSUSE

Double check that you are following that steps.

By the way, mind those three lines at the bottom of step 4:

**Enter your full name, a username (which is automattically chosen: you can change the name if you wish), and a password.

By default, the system is set so your password is the password of the system administrator (also known as root). Also, automatic login is turned on as well. You can uncheck these options for more security if you wish.

Hope this helps.

thanks for hanging in there with me. No I was never prompted to enter a user name or password before getting this message. I’ve installed quite a few systems before and know about users and passwords. I was prompted to enter a “linux login” just after a “welcome” message. I would just reinstall but I’ve got I’m doing this on a hackentosh and I don’t want to jeopardize the osx installation I have on another partition.

> thanks for hanging in there with me. No I was never prompted to enter a
> user name or password before getting this message.

then something is BAD wrong!! (as it is impossible to have a “good
install” without being prompted for a user name and password…but, i do
not know what happens if you leave the user name and password BLANK and
hit enter…have you tried to log in with [blank] and [blank]??)

i wonder:

did you download the CD/DVD?

did you check the md5sum prior to burning?

when you booted the first time, did you skip over the top options and do
a media check (last on the list—hmmmm, maybe that is not on the
list…i do not know!)?

have you read the advice of others here to use the Live CD to have a
teaser look…but, if you want to install USE THE DVD?

repeat: something is BAD wrong with your install (OR you missed the
chance to provide a user name and password OR you can sign in with two
Enter key strokes BUT you still have problems because you should NOT
see that black terminal log in screen, you should see a pretty green,
graphical login screen)…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark

I am having the same problem. During the install, it seems to be loading something and then it asks for a login.

georgtechnical wrote:
> I am having the same problem. During the install, it seems to be loading
> something and then it asks for a login.

that login it asks for…is it a mostly solid black screen with white
letters saying some strange stuff and ending with “Login:” ??

are you sure you have a good CD/DVD (did you do a md5sum and media
check? see: http://tinyurl.com/6jwtg9)

if you have the black screen AND are certain you have good install
media, then go to this page:


and read the forum search (on: black install) results and see if you
can’t find one that will solve your situation…


One way or another your X-server does not start. That takes care of the graphic display.
But…you simply cannot have followed the installer and not have created a user. During install you are asked to give your name, and fill in a username and password. There’s no way in skipping that, certainly no way to skip that ánd have a proper running system.

I suggest you reinstall, stick with your machine and read everything the installer is informing you about, fill out anything it asks you for, click Help at even the smallest doubt. Might take you a couple of hours, will save you days in the next month.

> There’s no way in skipping that, certainly
> no way to skip that ánd have a proper running system.

are you sure?

isn’t it possible to have a user with NO characters in the name, and
the password to be blank…

that is, you just keep pushing enter until the page changes…
that USED to be possible…i do not know if it still is (i know it
might complain that the name or pass is too short, but always asks:
Are you sure (you want it so short)? and if you answer yes it allows
you to be as inattentive (or ignorant) as you wanna be!

(there is only an enter behind each above, and i believe it is
possible to be valid.)



Let’s get this straight from the top again.

You used the LiveCD and not the DVD, right? [Y/N]

Were you able to boot to a LiveCD GUI desktop without having to install anything on your hard disk? [Y/N]

When you say install, was it after getting the GUI desktop that you clicked on an Install icon or something like that? [Y/N]

Were you prompted at any stage during the install to type in a username and password? [Y/N]

Those answers should help us figure out what the situation is.

I just got this same prompt for user login when I tried to boot up two different Live CDs. One was a KDE 11.0 and the other was GNOME 11.1. I’ve booted successfully from the KDE 11.0 live disc before on multiple computers. I’ll go back and check the md5 sums, but I think they were good. Not sure what the problem was, but they clearly aren’t starting correctly.

> I just got this same prompt for user login when I tried to boot up two
> different Live CDs.

what is the source of those Live CDs?
(openSUSE.org OR some other, like maybe a magazine insert or
‘community’ generated disk???)


I just got LiveCd, OpenSuse11-KDE4, off torrents, the “official” torrent link, and I’m having a similar problem.

When I boot live CD it goes past welcome screen, then Loading Kerner progress bar, then it gets to login prompt, it’s all GUI, btw.

At this prompt I’m supposed to login as “linux” (if I click on the “Live CD user” button it fills in automatically), and the password is supposed to be blank, right?

What happens is that the screen goes black, then rotating mouse wheel appears, then OpenSuse progress bar, then I get to the same prompt again, and again, and again.

If I give it some silly names and passwords it just tells me that login failed, right away.

I checked the “installation media” or whatever it’s called, it ran some tests, calculated mdsums and told me everything was ok.


While I was typing this, on an umpteenth try, something else happened - I got to the “Welcome to KDE” screen without entering any login info (I was on another machine, typing). Mistakenly I clicked “Close” and it all went black again, with only a cursor in middle.

It stopped responding, only some Ctrl-Alt-ESC combination turned the cursor into a skull for moment.

I rebooted it again, off the CD, see what happens now.

But the failed login that resets itself to the same prompt page is real, I’ve been looking at it whole afternoon.

Erm, freejcs, you originally said that you were using a P4, but then later said “I’m doing this on a hackentosh” I guess means that you are trying to install the i586 version onto an Apple Mackintosh, is that correct?

I don’t think that will work, you will have to download the Mac version (if one exists!).

Plus to the other people who are having problems: Make sure you are downloading the correct version for your computer.

The 64 bit version only works on AMD and Intel 64bit CPUs, for older Pentium4 class (and possibly earlier) CPUs, you will need the standard i386/i586/i686 version.

The DVD version is far better for installing than the liveCD too, maybe consider downloading that if you can.

> While I was typing this, on an umpteenth try, something else happened -
> I got to the “Welcome to KDE” screen without entering any login info (I
> was on another machine, typing). Mistakenly I clicked “Close” and it all
> went black again, with only a cursor in middle.

sounds to me like you should stick the CD in the slot, press the power
up button and SIT ON YOUR HANDS and see what happens if you do nothing…

maybe it will boot to KDE (untouched) like mine does…

at most, give ONE enter (without typing anything) when it PAUSES (not
stops) at the login screen…

try it.


No luck, it says “login failed”.

Today I saw, for the first time, “Loading plasma workspace failed” message that disappeared on its own. Perhaps I haven’t noticed it before.

Is it a plausible scenario - Plasma module fails loading, linux proceeds to the login screen, but then Plasma fails to initiate and throws the system back to the login stage.

Is there an option somewhere to load liveCD with Gnome? That whould circumvent Plasma failure.

Oh, silly me, there’s a different liveCD download for Gnome. See how THAT goes.

> there’s a different liveCD download for Gnome. See how
> THAT goes.

GOOD plan…you just might peek at http://tinyurl.com/6jwtg9 if you
not previously…

and, http://en.opensuse.org/INSTALL_Local

those together can save you days of frustration…


I am having the same problem. I did look at this link. Installation/11.1 DVD Install - openSUSE These are screens that I have seen in the past and do not see on this attempted install. I have booted from a download that I got from this link. Available Now: KDE 4.2.3 - The third maintenance release of KDE4 - Softpedia I get a screen that is mostly green with a progress bar. After about a 120 sec the screen looks like DOS and asks for “linux login”. I never see the screens that correspond to what is shown at this link. Installation/11.1 DVD Install - openSUSE This is the second time that I have downloaded SUSE, burned to a CD and have gotten stuck at this point. This is a problem that I have seen on several different forms and have not seen a resolution in any of them. The common reply seems to be that the people that are tiring to help think that those attempting to install SUSE have set a password. …I have not set a password. Is there a default password and user name?
