What to do with INF File?

Okay, my linksys WPC300N notebook card did not work out of the box for openSuse, so I read the guides for NDISWrapper. I got up to the .inf part. I have located that, at least I think I have. Now, I have no clue what to do with the .inf file. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I’m looking to get rid of Windows as soon as I can.

  • opivy1218



My problem though is I have no clue what to do now. What I have is just a text document that says INF at the header. Is that the correct INF file? But the tutorial says “Copy all these files to a single location”. I don’t really have any clue what other files it’s talking about.

you need the .inf,.cat,.sys files.( if you haven’t got them, .inf will do )place them in a folder in your /home directory. I placed mine in a folder called wirelessdriver. then follow this how-to http://stuntmanandy.no-ip.biz/Howto’s.html if you get stuck,try this how-to A Frustrated User’s Guide to Linux & if you are still stuck, post back & we will see what we can do


Thanks for the links!