Is 64bit 10.3 stable?

Sorry about such a broad a question, But I installed 64bit 10.3 on my AMD64 4400+ machine and it is doing really weird things.

Soooo many conflicts when I try to install any package,

Sooo many conflicts when I try to install my ATI drivers.

Doesn’t shut down completely when I hit off. Machine just lingers on when the status bar reaches the end and it should be shutting off.

“My Computer” sysinfo will not load.

I would like to take full advantage of my amd64bit cpu.

I am heading out to buy a new nvidia card, maybe that might help.



I used it all the time between 10.2 and 11.0 on my 3200+ machine. I don’t have an ATI video card though.

Thanks, ken_yap


See my Sig.

Was using 10.3 x86_64 until recently. At first it was a bit rocky and troublesome to install. I did a BIOS update, and later after kernel updates - it was brilliant. Always Nvidia myself too. Though my driver for that would only work if I installed manually.

Did you ever have trouble with your system not shutting down completely?

Also, what did you do about all the conflicts that arise when you installed packages?



Did you ever have trouble with your system not shutting down completely?


Also, what did you do about all the conflicts that arise when you installed packages?

Bit vague this Heeter. What conflicts?
What are you trying to install.

I would recommend adding the kde3 repo and updating that:
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE3/openSUSE_10.3

I do agree though that dependancy issues cause users a headache. Something I mentioned in the current survey on 11.

There is usually a way through, it’s just working it out.
Suse 11 has gone some way towards helping but still needs improving.

Heeter schrieb:
> Sorry about such a broad a question, But I installed 64bit 10.3 on my
> AMD64 4400+ machine and it is doing really weird things.
> Soooo many conflicts when I try to install any package,
> Sooo many conflicts when I try to install my ATI drivers.
> Doesn’t shut down completely when I hit off. Machine just lingers on
> when the status bar reaches the end and it should be shutting off.
> “My Computer” sysinfo will not load.
> I would like to take full advantage of my amd64bit cpu.
> I am heading out to buy a new nvidia card, maybe that might help.
> Thanks
> Heeter

I am running 10.3 since last year on a laptop lenovo R60. ATI is running
(I installed the proprietary driver, early versions got some issues but
now all is fine).
Wireless is fine too.
Shutting down not a problem.
I only have a minor issue: the splash screens at boot and shutdown don’t
show up any more instead the boot messages are scrolling by.


Linux User #54760

Thanks for your reponse Klaus.

Caf, I am talking about when I try to install everything I need (thunderbird, K3B, ATI drivers, gtkpod). Everytime I try to install a package, I get a conflict window with so many issues, that I don’t even where to begin.


One at a time maybe. k3b for eg. from packman
should be a doddle.

then move on to the next
not too much to contend with then, just a little at a time
just an idea

Hi caf,

I was doing the packages one at a time.

I will use the new repository you mentioned above, maybe that will help better.

I am in front of a Windows machine at the office right now, will try in a couple of hours when I get back to that other office where the opensuse machines are. Will let you know.

Thanks for your assistance


I’ve notice a bit of instability on the 64 bit versio of 10.3, I’m attributing to a mishmash of old settings i’ve kept from previous installs. I’m about to do a 11.0 install on this machine tonight. the goal here is a absolutely clean install with default settings for all apps along with it.

I just did a fresh clean reinstall of 10.3 64bit, and it still is not shutting down. I am forced to hold the power button at the end to shut down the machine.

I think that I going to try 11.0 64bit right now.


Hello Heeter,

I can proudly answer yes now: openSUSE 64bit 10.3 is stable!

But that doesn’t means that I never passed through some issues due to software or hardware failures.

Anyway, at the end, I consider normal all of this, since linux is a very “live” environment and it updates constantly.

Along all these years (I started my linux experience with Red Hat 5.1, I found on a linux book) I learned to never “going panic” and that the solution is almost always “around the corner”.

My latest “headache” has been with SVG and screenlets but I have been able to solve also this issue.

(I would like to add my desktop image, but it seems that on this forum it’s not permitted)

So, don’t giving up and, after to change release, try to trim your system.

Good Luck!


I did move onto 11.0 64bit, and it is running great.

I don’t know why 10.3 64bit didn’t like my hardware.

Been on 11.0 for the last little bit.


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