How to access DFS root share from OpenSUSE 11.0

Hi Friends,

I’m new to Linux and impressed with OpenSUSE. I’m trying to replace my Windows XP desktop with OpenSUSE 11.0. I’m able to do all my regular business activities in OpenSUSE which I was doing in XP, except accessing the DFS root share. Our company file sharing is thro’ DFS, I’m unable to access the DFS root share. If any one come accross this issue and got fixed, please help me.


I know nothing about DFS, but out of curiosity I googled for DFS and it turns out that Samba is supposed to have some kind of support of it, but the first hit for “dfs samba” said not to bother because there was a serious bug where you can’t mount \server\dir, only \server, with DFS. That was last year, maybe it’s better now. Or maybe not.

Anyway let us know what you find out.


I have the same problem with my instalation, did you advance with this problem?

Below is the sequence of commands that I was executed in the console:

  1. mount -o username=xpto //Server/xxx /mnt/server

  2. cd /mnt/server

  3. pwd


  1. ls

total 0
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 2 12:08 ADM

  1. cd ADM

  2. pwd


  1. ls

total 0
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 2 12:08 ADM

  1. cd ADM

  2. pwd


  1. ls

total 0
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 2 12:08 ADM

  1. cd ADM

  2. pwd


  1. ls

ls: reading directory .: Object is remote