how to install javadoc

Question: how do i install javadoc?

The only way to get javadocs is to install JRE or JDK

javadoc comes as a part of it.

Download and install fromhere

Java SE Downloads

i have installed

…but i can’t find a javadoc to see it into netbeans for example…

where can i find it?
I know that i can import the javadoc downloading the file zip from sun site but i would like update the javadoc every java sun updating…is it possible…
Thanks a lot…

Just going to do something wild right here an answer OP’s actual question… Help the next person who googles the issue.

hit up your console and try: ~> which java
the out should be: /usr/bin/java

Obviously if you dont have javadoc trying ~> which javadoc
would return a error message involving all paths.

Open JDK <some version here> doesn’t ship with a javadoc. (yea, why package a Java Development Kit without a Javadoc right?) anyway, as always YaST is your bro on this. Hit up the software manager and install the following.

Once done try that

~> which javadoc

Then just point your IDE (eclipse et al.) at the javadoc for doc generation.rotfl!

Be aware every (packages, framework etc etc have javadocs. go get the right one!).