Dell Truemobile 1300 (bcm4306) wireless card


I have got Dell Truemobile 1300 wifi card in my laptop. When I was using suse 10.3, I used ndiswrapper to get it working. Yesterday I upgraded to suse 11 and the card doesn’t work anymore.

Suse uses native driver b43legacy for my card and I can see it when I type iwconfig. But when I try to find the network by typing

iwlist scanw, I can see this:
wlan0 Interface doesn’t support scanning : Network is down

I tried to install ndiswrapper and blacklist this driver like in suse 10.3. It is better because I can find the networks, but unfortunately the card ignores the command for setting up the essid. So when I type

iwconfig wlan0 essid something

I can see only wlan0 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:"" after invoking iwconfig. Setting of encryption and mode works well.

I need to use ad-hoc network with wep encryption, no matter which driver I will use. Can somebody help me?