Allowing arguments in a bash script

I wrote a bash script that can do an incremental and full backup of the current users $HOME directory. it works for the most part, the one thing I can’t seem to get working is to get it to accept arguments to determine if it does a full back up, incremental back up, or just print out help info. The current way I have it set up is with getopts:

while getopts "o:ifn" opt; do
  case "$arg" in
    o ) output="$OPTARG";  	;;
    i ) btype="incremental";	;;
    f ) btype="full";		;;
    n ) noinc=1;		;;
    ? ) usageQuit		;;

I know it does not accept “–” as valid flags, but no matter if I do “-f” or just “f” the script runs the defaulted incremental backup. If you need more of the code I will be happy to post/send it to you.

Thank you for the time

while getopts "o:ifn" opt; do
  case "$**opt**" in
    o ) output="$OPTARG";  	;;
    i ) btype="incremental";	;;
    f ) btype="full";		;;
    n ) noinc=1;		;;
    ? ) usageQuit		;;

Thanks, that was very obvious don’t know why I missed it.