Asroot version 1.14 allows you to run a program (with options) as a root user

asroot works with openSUSE 12.3!

In this day of security break-ins and hijacks of all sorts, it would be hard to recommend anything that skirts around such basic security as the root user password. None the less, many users just log in as root to perform those many tasks you must be root to do. It is possible asroot can help eliminate the desire to log in as root if you can easily perform the same tasks as a normal user? asroot is a bash script file that encodes your password in base 64 and saves it in the location and with the name of your choosing. asroot is intended to be used with terminal based programs and may not be usable in every case. It is then suggested you change at least the file name I have in this script. Following is how to use the program.
!Warning! !Warning! !Warning! !Warning! !Warning! !Warning! !Warning! ****!Warning! !Warning! !Warning! !Warning! !Warning! !Warning! !Warning! **

It is easy for anyone to decode the password file if they have this script! You have only the illusion of security here!

asroot allows you to run a program (with options) as a root user. The password is encoded in base 64 in the location and file name of your selection in the script.

asroot program [options] ( Example: asroot fdisk -l )

 asroot x [y]     ; x=Program to run as root y=option(s) for program x
 asroot -r         ; Remove the Password File
 asroot -p         ; Remove the Password File & Enter new Password
 asroot -h         ; Shows this help
 asroot --help   ; Shows this help 

Copy and Paste the text of this script into a text editor and save it as the file asroot in ~/bin folder (/home/yourname/bin/asroot). The script has become too large to be posted in a message here and is now included in SUSE Paste.

ASROOT - Run a Program as a Root User - Version 1.14

Open the above Link in a new Tab. Select the Download option in the top right and then select Open With Kwrite or other text editor and then save the bash script text file asroot in ~/bin folder. It is possible to directly download asroot using the following terminal command (You must delete or rename the old version of asroot first):

rm ~/bin/asroot

wget -nc -O  ~/bin/asroot

I suggest you save the text file as the bash script called asroot into the folder ~/bin. In kde you can use kwrite & in gnome you can use gedit . Once the file has been saved in the correct location, it needs to be marked as executable. Open a terminal session and type the command:

chmod +x ~/bin/asroot

It is even possible to string all three of these commands together as one. Copy the following command, open up a terminal session, paste it in and press enter:

rm ~/bin/asroot ; wget -nc -O  ~/bin/asroot ; chmod +x ~/bin/asroot

You need to run asroot once with a valid command such as the example of asroot fdisk -l which will then request you input your password the very first time that it is run. I would love to hear any comments that you may have concerning my bash script asroot.

Thank You,

Blogs: asroot : Bash : Packet Filter : C.F.U. : GPU’s : fewrup : F.S.M. : H.I. : nVIDIA : LNVHW : N.S.F. : S.A.K.C. : MMCHECK
S.A.S.I. : S.C.L.U. : S.G.T.B. : S.K.I.M. : S.L.A.V.E. : S.L.R.C. : S.T.A.R.T. : S.U.F.F. : SYSEdit : systemd : YaST Power

I upgraded asroot to version 1.14 adding in two new command line options. asroot -r to remove the password file and asroot -p to enter a new password. The help screen has also been upgraded to show these new options. The new color can be turned off if you wish.

Thank You,