visiontek 3g usb data card

hi i find some configuration about mobile & i insurt datacard’s sim in mobile then i comfigure mobile device so i connect on /dev/ttyACM0
as a phone modem
with same wvdial.conf file so i think my wdial config file is right. i send you my mobile connecting screen

rose:/home/king # sudo modprobe cdc_acm
rose:/home/king # sudo /sbin/modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0421 product=0x0491
rose:/home/king # dmesg | tail -n10
777.603785] usbserial_generic 2-2:1.7: Generic device with no bulk out, not allowed.
777.603788] usbserial_generic: probe of 2-2:1.7 failed with error -5
777.603794] usbserial_generic 2-2:1.8: Generic device with no bulk out, not allowed.
777.603798] usbserial_generic: probe of 2-2:1.8 failed with error -5
777.603805] usbserial_generic 2-2:1.9: Generic device with no bulk out, not allowed.
777.603809] usbserial_generic: probe of 2-2:1.9 failed with error -5
777.603816] usbserial_generic 2-2:1.10: generic converter detected
777.607844] usb 2-2: generic converter now attached to ttyUSB0
777.607892] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
777.607895] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
rose:/home/king # wvdial 3g
→ WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
→ Cannot get information for serial port.
→ Initializing modem.
→ Sending: ATZ
→ Sending: at+cgdcont=1,“ip”,“bsnlnet”
→ Modem initialized.
→ Idle Seconds = 300, disabling automatic reconnect.
→ Sending: ATDT991#
→ Waiting for carrier.
~[7f]}#@!}!} } }2}#}$@#}!}$}%}"}&} }
} } g}%~~[7f]}#@!}!} } }2}#}$@#}!}$}%}"}&} }
} } g}%[7f]}#@!}!} } }2}#}$@#}!}$}%}"}&} }*} } g}%[7f]}#@!}!} } }2}#}$@#}!}$}%}"}&} }} } g}%~~[7f]}#@!}!} } }2}#}$@#}!}$}%}"}&} }} } g}%[7f]}#@!}!} } }2}#}$@#}!}$}%}"}&} }*} } g}%[7f]}#@!}!} } }2}#}$@#}!}$}%}"}&} }} } g}%~~[7f]}#@!}!} } }2}#}$@#}!}$}%}"}&} }} } g}%~^C^[ACaught signal 2: Attempting to exit gracefully…

→ Disconnecting at Mon Apr 25 22:23:05 2011
rose:/home/king # wvdial 3g
→ WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
→ Cannot get information for serial port.
→ Initializing modem.
→ Sending: ATZ
→ Sending: ATQ0
→ Re-Sending: ATZ
→ Sending: at+cgdcont=1,“ip”,“bsnlnet”
→ Modem initialized.
→ Idle Seconds = 300, disabling automatic reconnect.
→ Sending: ATDT99*1#
→ Waiting for carrier.
[11]~[7f]}#@!}!} } }2}#}$@#}!}$}%}"}&} }
} } g}%~
→ Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
→ Starting pppd at Mon Apr 25 22:23:33 2011
→ Pid of pppd: 8466
→ Using interface ppp0
→ pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
→ pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
→ pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
→ local IP address
→ pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
→ remote IP address
→ pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
→ primary DNS address
→ pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
→ secondary DNS address
→ pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
→ Script /etc/ppp/ip-up run successful
→ Default route Ok.
→ Nameserver (DNS) Ok.
→ Connected… Press Ctrl-C to disconnect
→ pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]

so i think i am not able to switch data card to any device.
so please gide me how to switch my usb data card to any /dev/ttyUSB*
i want to connect my data card.

i am waiting for replay…

--> Idle Seconds = 300, disabling automatic reconnect.
--> Sending: ATDT*99***1#
--> Waiting for carrier.
[11]~[7f]}#@!}!} } }2}#}$@#}!}$}%\}"}&} }*} } g}%~
--> Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
--> Starting pppd at Mon Apr 25 22:23:33 2011
--> Pid of pppd: 8466
--> Using interface ppp0
--> pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
--> pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
--> pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
--> local IP address
--> pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
--> remote IP address
--> pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
--> primary DNS address
--> pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
--> secondary DNS address
--> pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]
--> Script /etc/ppp/ip-up run successful
--> Default route Ok.
--> Nameserver (DNS) Ok.
--> Connected... Press Ctrl-C to disconnect
--> pppd: h�[06][08]��[06][08]

You’re connected & should be able to browse & you’re posting your solution on other forums…what’s the problem?

@bsilvereagle: I think the OP got the working connection via use of a mobile phone. However, they have a data card (that they’ve been trying to get recognised) with the same SIM card. If I understand the last post correctly, this is not yet working, but I must admit its not clear with the way the results are portrayed.

ya sir i am able to connect & surf internet but i connect thru mobile with


rose:/home/king # sudo /sbin/modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0421 product=0x0491

i am using bsnl sim card with wvdial config file

but it is not best way for me mobile phone give me only 3 hour internet because after 3 hour mobile battery discharge

i just connect my mobile because configuration checking purpose my wvdial.conf & resolve.conf file is working properly so no problem in my configuration

but i want to connect internet my visiontek hsdpu usb data card which specially made for 3g usb internet.
so if i can configure my data card in SUSE Linux then i can get more speed then mobile phone or no time boundary like mobile battery discharge.

so i think i switch my device to any /dev/ttyUSB* port then i can connect to internet

the main problem is my device is so new its lsusb address is 230d:0007
& i don’t know SUSE support it usb_modeswitch support it.???
i don’t know how to switch my device.

so please help me…

@bsilvereagle: I think the OP got the working connection via use of a mobile phone. However, they have a data card (that they’ve been trying to get recognised) with the same SIM card. If I understand the last post correctly, this is not yet working, but I must admit its not clear with the way the results are portrayed.

ya sir you are right i can run internet with same sim card same configuration files with mobile phone.
but i don’t know how to configure my usb data card how to switch it

so please help me if you want i can start from step first how to connect it & how to mount it.
is my devise 230d:0007 not support SUSE?
i check all over Google yahoo SUSE forum also

waiting for your replay…

please help me how to switch usb net stick. i am still waiting i can not find any solution. still modem not detecting

I don’t think you’ll get the support here that you require. (I’m out of ideas for your hardware). Your chipset is very new. Some other approaches you could take:

  1. Several posts ago, I gave you a link to the[Draisverghof usb_modemswitch](Draisverghof usb_modemswitch) site. They have a forum which may give you the support you need. This tool is still being developed, so support for new broadband modem devices are constantly being added.

  2. The other thing I’d suggest is installing Ubuntu on another partition. Then use the driver you say is available. That might show you which driver and parameters are being used (from ‘dmesg’ and ‘lsusb -v’ output). Maybe they make use of a custom usb_modeswitch.conf entry, or a newer version of usb_modemswitch, (or even some other script or tool).

Good luck.

gosh; a tricky one;

3g Data Card, India, 2147689985

I must say; when I read data card I think of something like a PCI device;

but it seems data card here means usb_dongle;

this post

BSNL 3G Modem (HUAWEI E156G) in Linux « Open Source Innovation

refers to a Huawei but the seeming ID


does not look like a Huawei; I did notice it advised CHAP;

(Virgin Australia catches folks out; as it too uses CHAP authentication; if one uses network manager, it can be set there…>)

all a bit strange

Using the BSNL 3G Data Card on Linux at Harsh J

here for example they just breeze through using wvdial…

certainly the ID of this device is not in usb_modeswitch

the poster has used USB-sniff so Josh would appreciate his help on this

(Josh oversees the usb_modeswitch forum)

I just sort of wonder if usb_modeswitch is really needed;

older posts

eg this

relate to ZTE devices that have IDs of 19d2:2000 before they are switched…

there seems to be a new device now…


so here is a post from a guy who said he got it to work

Amit Mendapara: Amazing BSNL 3G!

his starting ID is


and he indeed used usb_modeswitch

for OpenSuse one would first type

to take on rootly powers…

then it would look like one copies and pastes this command

usb_modeswitch -v 230d -p 0007 -u 3

as our user has an ID of 230d:0007

then he does two further things

1. Create udev rule.
2. Create usb_modeswitch configuration

  1. Create udev rule.
    Open the /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules and search for a line with:


Right after that line, add a new line with following contents:

ATTRS{idVendor}==“230d”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“0007”, RUN+=“usb_modeswitch ‘%b/%k’”

  1. Create usb_modeswitch configuration

Create a new configuration /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/230d:0007 and put the following contents in that file.

I don’t know if that will work in OpenSuse 11.4 (has udev gone???)

another good option is using sakis3g as it does a lot of clever auto things…

as described here

Configure BSNL 3G data card with linux (OpenSuse / Ubuntu) « Linux Lover’s Blog

…by the way…

the device


is now in the latest usb_modeswitch data file…but the device the poster seems to have here …0007… is yet to be listed

**hi thanks to all who help me to configure my visiontek net stick

i configure it thru

/etc/udev/rules.d/ with visiontek.ruls file


ATTRS{idVendor}==“230d”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“0007”, ATTRS{bConfigurationValue}!=“2”, ATTR{bConfigurationValue}=“2”


then i don my configuration complete i can able connect net thru usb net stick

millions of thanks again to all helpfull people.

if anybudy wana help i have all configuration…**

Well done pdc_2 for finding this post

Amit Mendapara: Amazing BSNL 3G!

Actually, looking back thru my posts, I think I cam across that during a search, but wasn’t sure it was relevant to the OP’s model:

I think your 3G broadband modem device (230d:0007) may be too new for usb_modeswitch to work with. The nearest I’ve found (from searching online) is a Linktop LW272/LW273 (BSNL Teracom) which has a a different product code (0001).

Anyway, the missing part of the puzzle was the ‘-u 3’ cnofiguration option:

usb_modeswitch -v 230d -p 0007 -u 3 

I don’t know if that will work in OpenSuse 11.4 (has udev gone???)

Udev is still used, so a udev rule can be used to automate.

@gaurav42: You should post on the usb_modeswitch forum to mention your success with this device using usb_modeswitch. It can be added to the databse.

glad it is working

interesting that gaurav42 used a different udev rule:

the initial advice from India was


Right after that line, add a new line with following contents:

ATTRS{idVendor}==“230d”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“0007”, RUN+=“usb_modeswitch ‘%b/%k’”

(the intent of this seemed to be to run usb_modeswitch when the specified ID was identified…)

and he added his own variant it seemed by saying


ATTRS{idVendor}==“230d”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“0007”, ATTRS{bConfigurationValue}!=“2”, ATTR{bConfigurationValue}=“2”


so interesting all is humming well; enjoy

Yes, on further inspection his rule does not involve usb_modeswitch at all. Instead, it matches the product and vendor attributes, as well checking that the ‘bConfigurationValue’ was not set to ‘2’. When this match is made, then


is used to write to a sysfs file (to activate the modem device). FWIW, A similar approach described here (with different hardware):

[SOLVED] Giant Modem Traveller [0fd1:1000] [9.10] [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums](

The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16)

help me i got this massage

i not change anything but i see this massage

You had it dialling out and connecting successfully before, correct?

If using wvdail, post the output of

cat /etc/wvdial.conf

Its likely the remote modem is dropping you because you aren’t providing the correct authentication data (username and password).

These links (from other BSNL users) may be useful:

The above reference also mentioned

Note: You may be supposed to use a different APN like bsnlsouth sometimes (instead of bsnlnet or etc.), so change it as per Zonal, normally BSNL is having 4 Zone across India.
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i configure again and now i can connect usb modem with knetworkmanager and i also access cd drive it inbuilt in modem device so i access modem or cddrive of usb device its id is same 230d:0007

but i got some problem

when i connect then after sometime when i disconnected thru net problem then i must restart pc or remove usb device or then replug then i can able to connect net

i can not disconnect or connect again thru network manager i think network manager not kill all process of modem

when i connect then after sometime when i disconnected thru net problem then i must restart pc or remove usb device or then replug then i can able to connect net

i can not disconnect or connect again thru network manager i think network manager not kill all process of modem

I’ve had Huawei broadband modems (usb devices) that behaved like this back with openSUSE 10.X. You may need to file a bug report for this.

hi thanks to all for give me best support

today i solved all problem.

i update knetworkmanager to plazmoid-networkmanager with command

zypper install plasmoid-networkmanagement

& now i connect my visiontek usb net stick without any problem

i can use internet without any problem.

thanks again to all …

how to post my working configuration.?

Thanks for the update. Post your ‘How To’ here:

Unreviewed How To and FAQ

Can anyone help?
My Visiontek 7.2 Mbps HSupa modem is not working. It says dial failed everytime I try to connect it. I am using an airtel sim. It was working properly but suddenly it says dial failed . Do i have to change any settings ?? Please help me resolve this problem