Acer Aspire One - wireless problem

Ok how do you get on encrypted networks with an Acer Aspire One. I do not run an open network nor will I ever. And this responsibility should not fall on to the shoulders of people on the forum like this. But it does. Any ideas? 11.1 at least had a wireless agent that semi worked. But I guess if I can’t get this distro to work, then I will go elsewhere. :’( I will keep checking back to see if anyone has fixed the issue.

And how are wireless problems trackpad problems. Some people just don’t get how forums and topics work. But hope everything works out for everyone. Will be checking back here, thanks forum.

What problem do you have? I install openSUSE 11.2 with KDE on my aspire one and everything works perfect. The only thing that i have to do is install compat-wireless.

I did this quick guide for that: openSUSE Lizards » Solving typical problems of BCM4312 802.11b/g

Do you use 11.1? try to upgrading to 11.2, if not, give us more details about your problems.

I have a home network with WPA2 Persona, TKIP+AES encryption and my machines works perfect.

Another thing is to try logging out and in when you set the wireless password, sometimes KNetworkmanager goes nut with KWallet, but nothing to serious, logging out/in should fix that.

Cheers :wink:

When I did Acer Aspire one netbook, I installed 11.2 32bit, went into Yast-network chose ifup, and set the wireless to WPA-Personal and gave the encrypt key. Was up and running in under 5 minutes.
IMHO you have missed a step if you can’t get an Aspire One to connect, it is fully supported under Linux for networking.