Upgrade to mesa 10.x


I want to upgrade mesa in order to get a more recent opengl version for my graphics card. Some games on Steam don’t initialize and have graphic glitches with the actual mesa I’ve got installed (mesa 9.2.3).

I tried installing mesa 10.0.2 and mesa 10.2-git~ from OBS but my PC ended up getting:

  • opengl 2.1
  • Vendor: VMWare
  • Renderer: Gallium 0.4

and kwin in unable to turn desktop effects on.

How can I upgrade correctly the mesa stack?

  • Opensuse 13.1
  • Intel HD 4600
  • kernel 3.13.5
  • kde 4.12.2


Apparently the intel driver does not work anymore.

How can I upgrade correctly the mesa stack?

  • Opensuse 13.1
  • Intel HD 4600
  • kernel 3.13.5
  • kde 4.12.2


From what repo did you install Mesa from?
I only find Mesa 10.2~git in some home repo.
Maybe you should try the “stable” Mesa 10.0.2 from [noparse]X11:XOrg[/noparse] instead?

Regardless of what repo you use, you should “switch all system packages to the versions in this repo” though:
Mesa, X and the drivers have to fit together.

I tried both:

mesa 10.0.2
mesa 10.2~git

Same results. Kwin does not turn effects on, glxgears works, opengl 2.1, VMWare vendor and Gallium 0.4 renderer.

I also tried Kubuntu 14.04 beta which ships with mesa 10.2~git and it works. I get opengl 3.3 with that mesa version, at least. So, I think it’s opensuse related.

Yeah, but did you do the full vendor change upgrade?

Same results. Kwin does not turn effects on, glxgears works, opengl 2.1, VMWare vendor and Gallium 0.4 renderer.

Right, that’s the LLVM software renderer.
So either the intel driver or GLX is not working.

So, I think it’s opensuse related.

It could be the packages, a broken installation, or a configuration issue.

Could you please post /var/log/Xorg.0.log? This should at least tell which driver is in use.

FYI, I installed Mesa 10.0.2 now from the [noparse]X11:XOrg[/noparse] repo, and kernel 3.13.5 from Kernel:stable, and it’s working fine here (including Desktop Effects in KDE):

wolfi@linux-lf90:~> uname -a
Linux linux-lf90.site 3.13.5-1.g4e9ddcc-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Feb 23 21:27:13 UTC 2014 (4e9ddcc) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
wolfi@linux-lf90:~> glxinfo | egrep "(OpenGL|render)"
direct rendering: Yes
    GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_query_renderer, 
OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945G 
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 10.0.3
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL extensions:

So those packages seem to be ok.